My Name is Angelica Schyuler

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I wake up to John taping my shoulder. I look up at him.
"What's up?" I mumble softly
"Bro, we gotta go, I don't think Angie and Peggy wants us crashing the dorm." He says smiling
"You guys already have" Peggy says throwing a pillow at John
"Carry me" I mumble into the pillow jokingly, but to my surprise, John actually scoops me up bridal style and makes his way out of the dorm.
"Bye Liza, bye Peggy, bye Angie." I say as John walks
He pauses for a moment and looks at Eliza sadly then turns away. Eliza's face seemed calm, but her eyes. They had more than fear, they had terror.

John finally makes it back to our dorm. I catch a glimpse of the clock. It's 3:38 in the morning. He places me onto my bed and places a blanket over me, my eyes still closed. I think he's left until he places a hand onto my forehead and begin running his fingers through my hair. I do my best not to lean into his touch so he doesn't know I'm awake. After a moment he stops and lays in his own bed. I sigh at the lack of his touch, but I eventually fall asleep again.

The water rises. Lighting. I can't see. Why is it dark? The water thrashes. I feel something on my arm and smack it away. The water rises even higher. I can't breathe I can't see I can't do anything. I feel a hand on mine and look for a face but don't see one. I thrash, trying to stand. Get up! Get up! You can't die here! I continue looking for a face but I don't see anything.

My eyes flash open and I see Angelica looking at me worriedly. I look around and see Peggy holding an ice pack to Johns head and Eliza sitting beside me, one hand in mine, and one on my forehead. She runs her thumb up and down it. I blink a few times.

I go to open my mouth to ask what's going on, but Angie talks before I can.
"Alex, are you okay?"

What do I tell them? That I was dreaming of the hurricane that killed me. That I was dead for twelve minutes before coming back. That I couldn't walk for six months and that I was blind for a year. That storms give me anxiety and that I think I shouldn't have come back. They can't know. They'd all leave me if they saw how weak I was.
I sigh
"What happened?" I ask, avoiding Angie's question
"John woke up to you having a panic attack, so he called us and we rushed over. John was tying to calm you down, but you hit him in your sleep." Eliza tells me in a calm, gentle voice. I notice a bruise forming on the arm. I grab her arm and examine it.
"Did I do this to you?" I ask concerned
"Yes, but it's fine! I'm okay, you were panicking."
I turn to John.
"Are you okay?"

He smiles at me and nods, motioning at Peggy to remove the ice pack from her head. She sits next to him and leans her head on his shoulder.
Angie sits next to me. No one asks what happened, but I'm glad they don't. They probably noticed my unwillingness to talk about it.

We all sit in silence for awhile.

"I'm sorry Alex," Eliza says, "But I have to get to class, Peggy does to."
"It's alright guys, I'm sorry you had to see that- have a nice day. Wanna meet at the Diner after classes?"
Peggy and Eliza nod before saying their goodbyes and leaving. Shortly after, John leaves leaving just me and Angie.

"Do you have class today?" I ask her
"No, it's a free day." She says

We sit in an awkward silence for a bit.
"Do you maybe wanna get some coffee or something cause we're both free?" I ask her smiling
"Sure, but Alex, I don't really wanna push you, okay? I know I'm not the easiest to talk to, many people say I'm intense or even insane, but, when I saw you panicking, I panicked. You're my friend and I want you to tell me what happened in your dream. It'll stay with me, I won't tell anyone at all."

I'm taken aback, I honestly didn't think that she cares about me that much. I look to the floor and sigh. I should tell at least one person. One person to hear what I have to say, one person to hear what goes through my head.

"Angie," I say, not looking at her, "I- I- this... saying this isn't easy, but you one hundred percent promise that you won't tell anyone."
She nods
"When I was seventeen, a hurricane destroyed my home in the Caribbean. Everything was gone. During one moment of the storm, I heard people begging for help, I jumped into the water to save them, but they didn't make it. I was in shock, I couldn't swim away from them. Then a tree fell, it trapped me under the water, I couldn't move-" tears begin to well up into my eyes "I managed to get the tree off after what felt like an eternity, but before I reached the top of the water, something hit my head. It all went black, everything. I couldn't find my way up, I couldn't find my way back. I died. I woke up in the hospital three weeks later, temporarily blind and alone. My cousin died as well, but they didn't come back. The staff at the hospital told me I was gone for twelve minuets, but that a young girl continued giving me cpr so I could live. They couldn't find her. The town I lived in raised money for me to move here after I got my scholarship. I wrote my way out essentially."
I look over at Angie. She has tears in her eyes, but doesn't speak. Instead she wraps her arms around me. After a moment she smiles and says
"How about that coffee now?"

(Heyo! So last chapter was really dark? I'm not sure how to describe it really. This story is really fun to write, but please don't read it if it triggers you, stay safe.
Word count: 1068)

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