A Change

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Alex and I talk while Laf and Herc get food and the girls go to the restroom. I don't understand why girls go to the bathroom in groups, but I don't really mind either, I get to talk to Alex, the one person that keeps me sane.

"You know John, you're gonna make someone really happy one day" Alex says with a smile
"I hope so." I rely shyly
Alex looks at me with his chocolate eyes and I melt. This boy is perfect in every way. I just want to wrap my arms around him and never let him go.
"Hey Alex, there's something I want to tell you." I say looking down to the ground. How can I say the without seeming weird?
"What is it John?"
"Hey John, can I talk to you for a moment?" Angie says with a small smile.

Seriously Angie, you picked now to try to talk to me?

"Sure, yeah. I'll be right back Alex" I say, trying mask my frustration

Alex just stands there, confused, but I can't focus on him for long because Angie has ahold of me and is dragging me to a tree in the distance.

"I need you to stop liking Alex." She says sternly
"Umm what?!" I exclaim "that's awfully selfish of you Angie, I didn't even know you liked him"
"No- John, you don't understand, it's not me! It's Elizabeth." Angie sighs "she likes him and I- I don't want to see her hurt, I just want you to-"
"No Angie! I- I just... I can't just stop liking him! I was about to tell him that I love him, it's really hard to stop loving someone!"
"John please! It's not for me! It's for Eliza!" Angie says gesturing towards Alex and Eliza having a conversations. Even from here, I can see the faint blush on Eliza's cheeks.

"John, I love him too, but- I can't put Eliza through heartbreak when there's a way I can prevent it. Please, understand that. I see the way Alex looks at you, he would choose you over her. I'm asking you to help her be happy,"
I look at Angie's face, tears fill her eyes

"Angie, I think I should go- I just, I gotta get away from here, alright."
"John, I'm sorry-"
"It's fine."

It's fine


It's dark. That's all I know. I can't see anything. My head pounds aggressively, the ground beneath my hands, wet.

Where am I?

I go to sit up, but hit my head on a... a trash can?
The first things to fill my vision is the blinding light of a streetlight, then my eyes slowly focus. Around my legs are beer bottles.

So that's why I'm in an alley way

I try to stand, but my legs buckle beneath me so I steady myself on a nearby dumpster.
What happened last night?

Just as I think that I remember the ice rink, the skating, the hot chocolate, the smiles, the fun. Then I remember Alex and his chocolate eyes, his warm smile.

Then the conversation with Angie.

Oh... right.

"I gotta go guys, I gotta huge test to study for, I'll see ya around."
"Hey John, I can go home with you if you'd like-"
"No Alex it's fine, I'll see you all later"

I could see the slight heartbreak in his eyes.

I stumble through the scattered trash on the ground, still drunk, I think, and make my way to the sidewalk. Maybe someone has a phone I can use to call my friends.
Wait, I have a phone.

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