Cut pt.2

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⚠️warning:self harm up ahead pls skip chapter if sensitive to this stuff⚠️

Minseo pov:

I didn't notice I was crying until I felt something warm roll down my cheeks, "your pathetic." I told myself while quickly wiping my tears in the process.

"Looky looky what we have here." I shudder as the familiar voice rings into my ears, sending chills all over my body.

"Go away." I coldly demand, not turning around to face the man.

"That's not how you speak to your father is it....Minnie?" That's it, that's the name that breaks every cold bone inside my body and disintegrates it to sad piles of sorrow.

"Don't. call. me. that." I face the man who would poison me with his words.

"Stop being stupid. You can't survive out here." He smirks while crossing his arms .

"I can survive anywhere that's far away from you and that bitch!" Tears are now a waterfall spilling onto my cheeks. I can't look up and meet those cold eyes.

"Yeah yeah whatever you say, but the day the newspaper comes out saying that you killed yourself will be the day I'll mock you even if you weren't alive to hear it." He laughs? What a maniac! I can help but cry. I'm always weak around him.

"GO AWAY!" I shout and try to run away but a hand swiftly grabs my elbow and slams me to the ground.

"Come here you little brat that's not how we say goodbye is it?" He inches forward but I kick his weak spot and dart up, sprinting to my house.

"Get back her-!" He's cut off but I don't look back to see. I just run and run while letting the tears slide off, the breeze from when I run blowing them dry.

"Why me?" I ask myself while running. Everything is a blur passing by me, I can't seem to find my way around these problems. I get to my front door, my shaky hands sliding the key in and twisting it. I walk in and dart to my room.

Why me? Why did I have to see him? Why can't I just leave? Why can't it just stop? Why am I hurting so much? Why?

I grab the pencil sharpener from my desk and brake the razor out. Without any hesitation I slide the cold sharp metal across my wrist. 1. 2. 3. 4. Again on my other wrist. I let it out. I let the blood drip down my pale wrist.
Why can't I just die?

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