Chapter I: Leaving

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        When i woke it was a cold Montana morning. The birds were cherping, and my beloved Fall was laying in the bed next to me, still caught in the trance of dreams. I know today is the day i must leave my family to head down to see my brother Jonathon at is ranch in Lonesome Dove.

        Last time i made this trip we were headed to Montana with a herd of a thousand longhorns because it was supposed to be a cattleman's paradise, and it was, a river flowing right through our camp which was nestled back into a small hollow, land as far as the eye could see dotted with grazing cattle. It was a sight that could not be explained by mere words.

        I had the team hooked up to the wagon when i felt a tug on my leg. It was my son Guy with his bed roll packed on his horse, a canteen draped over the saddle horn and his little .22 pistol strapped on his hip. Now you have to imagine this, a little 6 year old by standing by a horse who's shoulder was as high as a grown man. I couldn't help but smile. "I'm ready pa." "Sorry there son, I'm 'fraid you can't go this time" i said. "Why I am old 'nuf to cross Hat Creek." "Cuz if'n yew git cought by injuns i'd never fergive myself, plus i could never look yer ma in the eye again." "Okay, but can i go in a couple more winters?" "we will have to see young man." i said back with a smirk.

        As i am about to head out i hear Fall from the house "GARRETT GRUBBS, YOU GET BACK HERE I AIN'T GOT MY KISS YET" a smile instantly oveer comes my face as i walk back toward the house where i'm met with the warm embrace and gentle lips of the woman i have loved all my life. Who's love and touch still makes me weak just like when i first met her back in Texas.

        I leave after a long talk about how we miss the other more than ever, but as i ride out the gate and over the hill i look back with a twisted feeling in my gut that i may never see my Fall again.

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