Chapter VI: Coming Home to an Amazing Fall

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        I finally found my beloved Fall they were camped out in a draw. I could see her tied up by the fire and 7 mexican bandits and a couple Indian chiggers. I looked around the draw to see the best way to get down there and figured there wasn't a 'good' place to go down and that i'd have to ride down at dusk with the sun behind me guns drawn.

        That is exactlly what I did, I took me a couple shots at them and scared them off. Fall was curled up on the ground, she had a lump on her head and a black eye but i kissed every single cut and scrape and bruise until i hear the bandits yelping. I picked her up bridal style and set her on my horse. We rode over the hill when saw a horse ride over the ridge. I couldn't tell who it was so drew my colt and held fall tight when i noticed it was Woodroe. Hahaha that old coot followed me all the way up from Nebraska.

        When we got up to him he told us the P had our kids back at our place and that he would catch up with us in a little bit. We rode off away from the draw where Fall was held captive. I took the long way to the house as to avoid seeing the bandits again. When we came to a trail by a cliff face she was asleep in my arms, nestled up as close as she could get. I leaned down to kiss her lips when all of a sudden the cliff opened up with fire. Fall was hit in the shoulder and the lower back, I grabbed her and bailed off the horse before it went down. We were still getting shot at when i got shot in the leg and gut. I saw Fall laying over in the open i ran to her to try to get her to cover when i took one in the lung, i fell on top of her, she had been shot in the chest three more times. I looked into her tear filled eyes, i kissed her lips and felt her slip out of life after she kissed me and she whispered," I l-l-love." and she was gone from my life for good, I lay there in horror. I began to scream, i jumped up grabbed my pistol and as i screamed i ran toward the cliff shooting at anything that moved, i must have made it 5 feet before i was knocked down from all the times i had been shot. I looked at the lifeless corpse of my beloved wife and then i blacked out.

        i woke to a man in a red shirt and scalps hanging from his shoulders kicking me, he knelt down and whispered in my ear,"looks like i win Ranger one less of your kind to worry about." then he shot me 4 more times in the legs to be sure i didn't walk and left me for the buzzerds. I had one arm that i could still move, i tried to crawl to my wife, it felt like i mile but i got to her the craddled her cold body, kissing her cold lips over and over again to try and somehow bring her back. I sat there all night until the morning sun peaked over and then i died. After i had got back the love of my life, she was gone again, and through out the stars i ride to find her again and i know i will because a love like ours will never be stopped, never haltered, and never wavered. i will find her if it takes me to the end of all time i will, as sure as she was mine when we were walking the earth. We will be togethor in the stars as well. I love you fall, hear me among this wasteland, I LOVE YOU FALL. 

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