Chapter II: Trouble

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        It's been about 2 weeks since i left my family in Montana. I had made it to Ogallala, Nebraska to stop by one of my old Ranger buddies to rest for the night and get some more supplies for the trip. I stopped at his shop to get some food and bullets for when i go through the Indian Nations when a telegram boy came in wailing for me.

         "Captain Garrett Grubbs, Texas Ranger you have a telegram from Miles City, Captain Garrett Grubbs."

        "That's me, I am Captain Grubbs."

        "You have a telegram from Miles City ."

        "Thank you."

        "Captain Grubbs, I came by your house on the 5th of May when i brought the herd back from the north range. I found your son with a bullet in his leg and your young daughter hid away in a room. He said a dark indian came in a day after you left and took his ma. She is gone. Come back quick."                                                                                                                                                        -P.I.-

        A dark indian?

        Oh no, what have I done. I lost my Fall. I collapsed to my knees  with tears flowing from my eyes. Woodroe came up to me, he kept asking "Garrett, what happened, what is going on."

        "She's gone, I let her down. It's all my fault, all my fault."

        I was staring blankley at the wall with tears streaming down my face. "What are you talking about Garrett, what is going on?"

        I just handed him the telegram, then everything when red. Don't remember much accept for screaming slapping 20 dollars on the counter and taking 8 boxes of bullets. I remember walking out to the team, unhooking my spare horse, saddling him and riding back out of town. Then it went dark. All i could thing about was the love of my life, i flashed back to a small stand of pecan trees by a creek that we used to ride to back in Texas. Then nothing, when her face came to me, she was yelling something i couldn't make out what she was saying, she started to slip away. I spurred my horse faster but she was getting farther and farther away. I screamed with all my life "DON'T LEAVE ME FALL , HOLD ON, I WILL FIND YOU , I WILL GET YOU BACK, I PROMISE WITH ALL MY LIFE AND MY HEART I WILL GET YOU BACK."

        I spurred my horse to go faster and faster when i felt a thud and a burning sensation in my leg i couldn't move. I could see but is was dark out, i could see a blob of something over my legs, It was my horse. He must have killed over from riding so hard for so long. Great i was trapped in the middle of the bad lands under a horse.        

        I heard some rustleing in the bushes. I drew my piece and yelled " Come out slowly."

        Dear lord, I said as i dropped my pistol in shock.


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