"That is correct," Rosie agreed, speaking to Bill Weasley as he, Penny and Rosie all sat around a table in the library studying for their end of the year exams. They were still months away but penny always insisted that there was no time that was too early. And since Bill insisted in hanging out with the older girls he was pulled into their study sessions as well.

Ever since Rosie and Bill's detention, the boy had be stuck to Rosie's side like glue and while Rosie was used by the entire thing, Penny was not so much. Rosie could practically see Penny grind her teeth every time Bill spoke.

"And the dementor doesn't feed on sadness, it feeds on happiness. The reason you feel so sad when they're around is because they're feeding off of your happiness and leaving you with the sadness, right?"

Penny's quill shriveled in her hand and Rosie looked between the two, a small smile on her face.

"Yes, that correct." Rosie confirmed. Penny was trying so hard to ignore Bill that she even went so far as to ignore all of Bill's questions. Of course Penny meant it to be mean, until Bill had come around Rosie didn't know Penny could me mean, but Rosie thought that maybe Bill just thought that Penny was daft. 

"The Patronus Charm wards them off." Bill checked, obviously already knowing the answer was correct because he had begun to jot it down as well. "Professor Kellan," Professor Kellan was that years defense against the dark arts professor and he was rather daft himself. "Told us that if we could perform the patronus charm we would get an Outstanding for the unit if we could produce a patronus charm for him. Would you be able to teach me how, Rosie?"

Rosie's smile dropped off of her face but Bill was too busy writing to notice though. Penny knew though, so her head jerked up to look at her friend with concern. No longer was she focused on her dislike for Bill Weasley. Rosie was more important.

"Because everyone knows that you're one of the best students in the school. There's even a rumor that you took down a couple of third year death eaters when you were a first year. This one hufflepuff even told me that you were the one to defeat the dark lord, but you were modest so the ministry made up that story about Harry Potter. But besides that, you could teach me how to cast a patronus, right Rosie?"

Bill looked up to see the pretty fourth year's face had gone as white as her perfectly starched school shirt.

He goes to speak but Penny cuts him off.

"Oh look at the time," She says sharply, looking at her wrist which noticeably did not have a watch. "Too bad Rosie and I have grown up things to do. Good luck with your patronus, Billy."

Penny dragged Rosie out of her seat with strength she hadn't ever displayed before and swept all of their things into one bag. Then she and Rosie were gone, leaving Bill to sot alone in the library behind them.


That night, Rosie and Penny sat sitting in Rosie's dorm, curled up in Rosie's bed in silence. Neither one of them had said anything since they had gotten back, and neither one of them knew what they would say.

Rosie had been able to cast a patronus years ago. She had done it once, and never again.


Rosie had a smile on her face as she and Harry walked down the street to Number Twelve. Rosie hadn't brought Harry to Christmas that year, so Walburga hadn't properly seen him since he was just a toddler. But he was nearing three and Walburga had finally insisted she meet the boy that took up so much of Rosie's attention.

In the last year, Harry had only grown more into his black hair and green eyes, one of which never laid down properly and the other which was a spitting image of Rosie's, and Lily's, eyes. Everyday Petunia would look at the little boy and be reminded of Rosie when she was that age. No matter how much she and his mummy didn't get along, Harry was an innocent that had to be loved.

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