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It was Thanksgiving, and it had been with great difficulty that morning that Rosie had rounded up both Harry, and Kreacher, so that she could transport them both over to Petunia's. Getting both a child and a house elf rounded up and moved to another place was apparently much harder than Rosie had anticipated, and Rosie spent several minutes debating whether it was even worth going. As time went on it was more and more tempting just to throw in the towel, phone Petunia, and magic all of the food over to Number Twelve.

"Enough!" Rosie growled, grabbing ahold of Harry as he darted past her, his jumper on backwards and both of his shoes on the wrong foot. Honestly, it was a little embarrassing that he still couldn't dress himself at that point but there wasn't a lot that Rosie could go about it right then. Rosie held Harry with one hand and used her other hand to spell his clothes on correctly. Then she picked him up and held him under her arm. "Kreacher!"

There was a pop, and then the house elf appeared before her with a twisted scowl on his face.

"Yes, Mistress?" He drawled, already stepping backwards towards the kitchen. Rosie had informed Kreacher nearly a month ago that they would be going to the Dursley's for Thanksgiving and since then, he had been pouting.

"Get the dishes around immediately. We're leaving in three minutes and I expect to leave with the ambrosia."

Kreacher grimaced, then disappeared with another pop. After a few seconds, Harry began to wriggle and Rosie sighed. Parenting was, even in its most basic form, difficult.


"I've missed you so much, Tunia," Rosie hugged her older sister to her tightly, only when she was in the house with the door shut behind her releasing Harry to run off and play with Dudley. Honestly, the two would probably spend more time fighting than they did playing which they had always done, but it would get him off Rosie's back for a bit.

"Missed you to, Flower," Petunia hugged back, only releasing Rosie when she was sure the younger girl had spent a sufficient enough amount of time without breath. "How's motherhood treating you?

Rosie pulled away and turned her attention to the bundle in her brother in law's arms, a soft look entering her features.

"I should be asking you that question, Tunia. How's Ella?"

Danielle Dursley had been born almost a year prior, happily, because Petunia had a particularly difficult pregnancy. She had been nearly five weeks early, but she had come into the world laughing. Danielle Dursley was a ray of sunshine to all who knew her and her brother absolutely adored her. And she adored him.

"It's been getting easier," Petunia smiled. "She's beginning to sleep through the night finally, and the pediatrician says she's growing as she should."

Vernon, never having been particularly comfortable with children, even his own, gratefully handled over his tiny daughter to her aunt and went to sit on the couch, where he could nurse a glass of brandy and watch his family with a fond smile.

"Hello, beautiful baby," Rosie cooed down at the bundle in her arms, the maternal instinct inside her rising quickly to the surface at the sight of the small person. "How is my beautiful baby girl today?"

Danielle gurgled happily, giving Rosie a gummy smile.


"Filthy muggles," Kreacher scoffed as he dodged a particularly well-aimed spoon of peas, aimed at his large head by Dudley. Halfway through Thanksgiving dinner, Harry had sneezed and accidentally sent some mashed potatoes flying in Dudley's direction. In retaliation Dudley had sent some turkey flying back, using his spoon in replace of the accidental magic Harry had used. It had been all fun and games, Kreacher was used to cleaning up because Rosie was quite the mess sometimes, until Harry and Dudley had turned their attention to the house elf and began to use him as their target.

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