Stay with me

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Casper's POV:

I wake slowly my head hurting as I think over what happened yesterday and I start blushing. One thing that you should know about Neko is that alcohol affects us different to humans sure we still act all crazy and feel sick the next day but for some reason, it doesn't affect our hippocampus which is why Nekos remember everything every stupid little thing they did last night. Which meant I showered with James Steel and slept in his bed with him in his shirt and told him basically everything about my past and oh god he knows I'm a Neko and I'm still currently transformed. I sat up quickly and jumped off of James once I release I was straddling him. He groaned and wake up looking at me "You look like you've seen a ghost. Don't worry we didn't have sex," James said and I blush "I know I remember," I say, "What do you remember?" James asked nervously "Everything it's a... Neko thing," I say slowly "I see then I don't need to fill in any blanks. Do you want breakfast," James smiled, " are we just not going to talk about what happened last night," I stutter out "Only if you want to," James said standing god he was a lot taller than me who am I kidding all guys are a lot taller than me. I was small for a male. "So... you know about me being a Neko," I decided to start with that. I look at the floor and then he lefted a hand to my cat ear stroking behind them. I let out a hummed then clamp one hand on my mouth blushing. I felt as his hand freeze "Do-don't touch them," I grained enough composure to say he rubs them again experimentally and I purr legs shaking and I swot his hand away before I become a purring mess "There...Sensitive." I say and James tilts his head "What about your tail?" he asked and I blush, grabbing it like he was going to start playing with it "I'll take that as confirmation. I'm going to have to remember that," James said and I blush "So it doesn't bother you?" I asked, "Well, does it bother you that I'm a werewolf?" he asked and I freeze stiff. "Werewolf?" I asked slowly "Yep, I'm supernatural just like you," James said and his eyes glowed yellow, I stare into them. "It doesn't bother me," I say slowly "It doesn't bother me either in fact, I think they make you even cuter," James said and I ignored the least part "You can't tell anyone at school," I say, "I won't tell if you don't humans can freak at the knowledge that the supernatural is real, but my pack already knows and they won't tell anyone I ordered it," James said and at his words, I stare in shock "You're the Alpha," I say "You know werewolf lingo?" James asked, "Yeah, my mum taught me all about the supernatural. She was like me," I say, "That's helpful, I'm sorry about your parents," James said bowing his head which in wolf lingo was showing respect even to the dead "Thank you," I said sincerely "Was there more you wanted to discuss about last night?" James asked and I shook my head. "Then it's my turn. When I turned up you were wrecked. What made you do that to yourself was it to do with those bruises?" James asked and I looked away "Not exactly," I say, "What's that mean? Why'd you get so drunk?" James asked looking concerned and irritated "It's stupid," I say "Anything that makes you sad is never stupid to me," James said and I sigh seeing the insistent look in his eyes. I look away again "Well, you know the football team," I say, "Yes..." James said an edge in his voice why am I telling him this I barely know this guy "They bully me sometimes and they saw me at the party last night and they break my favourite camera and said some stuff," I say, "What things did they say?" James growled out through gritted teeth "Just stuff about me not having a mother to run off and cry to," I said and I gasped as James pulling me into his chest holding me "I should have been there sooner to destroy them for hurting you," James growled and I felt so safe there in the warmth of his bare chest. WAIT bare chest I tried to pull away but he was so strong and didn't let go however his grip did loosen letting me pull back a bit "Did I do something wrong," James said tilting his head like a confused puppy "N-no it's just y-your not wearing a shirt," I stutter blushing "Is that all?" James smirked pushing back until I fell on the bed. James reaches over me into the bedside table my nose was almost touching his chest and one of his legs was between mine. When he pulled back he had a shirt in hand. I tried sitting up, but he pushed me back down giving me a look that said do what I want or there'll be trouble then put on the shirt "I have one more question maybe two depending on your first answer. Last night I asked you about these," James said sliding my shirt up to reveal my bruises and brushing over them with light caresses and I tried to cover them and James gave me that look again, "When I asked you said Steven is this the same Steven who is your stepfather and you live with," James said looking into my eyes seriously seeming to draw the truth out of me "Yes..." I say slowly and James growled, "How often?" James asked, "As often as he sees me. But it's not like I can do anything about it," I say, "When do you turn eighteen?" James asked and I think about it "Four months. Why?" I ask shivering as James' hand slid over the bare skin on my stomach giving me goosebumps "How would you like to come to stay with me until then?" James whispered in my ear and I shuddered taking in what he said. "We just met," I say, "So, I probably know more about you then he does and you'd actually have a safe place to come home to here," James said and I thought about it "Home... but my mother left me to Steven," I state, "Let me take care of that. So is that a yes?" James asked and I couldn't believe I was saying this "Yes. Please..." I say and James kisses my cheek lightly "Well. We'll have breakfast then go get your things," James said and I let out a shaky breath as he stands to back away from my body.

James's POV:

We were in my car again and Casper was nervously fiddling with his hand "We're here," I say gently and he jumps looking to the house then to me "I never brought anyone inside through the front door October and Max always climb through my window," Casper said, "That reminds me do they know you're a Neko?" I asked, "Oh... um yes they found out at a sleepover we had and they are really cool about it," Casper smiled, "Then feel free to tell them about me or I can do it," I say and he smiled again but it slowly fades as he looks at the house "Come on, there's nothing to worry about," I assure getting out and Casper slowly follows. I grab some flat cardboard boxes and we walk to the door.

When we get inside Steven come in from what seemed to be the kitchen "What are you doing out at this hour, you waste of space," Steven says and I growl and he notices me "Who are you, get out of my house," Steven said, "Casper, go upstairs and pack your things into the boxes. I'll come to help you soon," I say in a serious voice handing him the cardboard not taking my eyes off of Steven "You're not going anywhere," Steven goes to grab Casper but I grab his hand bending it the wrong way "Arhh. you little..." Steven was cut off by me shoving him to the floor "Casper, now, please," I say and he nods going upstairs. I bend down in front of Steven on the floor "Casper is coming with me and you are not going to tell anyone, because if you do I've taken pictures of the bruises and recorded his confirmation that it was you. If you even think of coming near him again then they go straight to the cops and you go straight to jail," I say standing "What are you going to do if I go to them a tell them you assaulted me," Steven mocked "Then I give them the recording and pictures and claim defence of the third person you attacked first after all. Oh and all money you get for caring for him is know going to go directly into Casper new account. I have a friend at the bank that will take care of that," I say one of the pack members worked there. 

I walk up the stairs smirking don't mess with my mate. I walk into Casper's room and he's packing "What do you want to pack?" I ask and we pack everything he wanted, clothes, trinkets and his cameras. we leave the furniture since the room he would be taking was already furnished. I carry the boxes into the car while he finished packing and then return to the room for the last box Casper following me out and we get into the car "So your mum left the house to that ass?" I asked while driving "No. She left everything to me but she left me to him and I can't have anything till I'm eighteen which is good because step-dick can't access anything she left me only I can when I'm eighteen," Casper said and I smiled "That's good. that means when your eighteen you have every right to kick him out of your house," I say, "I never want to live there again it's got too many bad memories," Casper said, "That's fine kick him out and sell it," I smiled and he smiles back.

A Wolf's Kitten (BoyxBoy) (NekoxWerewolf)Where stories live. Discover now