Are we mates? (1/2)

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I look forward.

"Well well well. Looks like we have some dolls that we can play with, boys." Gato laughed. (I wrote Ga and it auto filled gay XD)

My hair shadows my eyes as something in me snapped.

"What did you call us... dolls? YOU BEST BACK THE FUCK OFF BEFORE YOUR HEAD IS FLYING IN THE RIVER!" I growled out.

"Ohoho! Feisty! Me like. Let's say, whoever gets them first gets the first round with them." Gato said as his men laughed.

I was about to yell at him when I got an idea.

"So, you wanna play," I asked seductively, "Then let's play."

I swung my hips as I walked toward him. I look back at the group,'Trust me.' I mouthed.

Kakashi nodded as I continued walking along. I kneeled down in front of Gato. Our lips where inches from touching when I used my finger to put a big gash across his face.

(Imagine like Iruka's scar, but wider.)

I pushed him backwards as he flew into one of his men, who was knocked off the bridge.

I ran up to another man and cut his throat. I kept cutting the men, satisfyingly watching their blood spill on the ground.

It was after I killed around 5 that I noticed someone helping me.


I smirked and winked at him as I took two guys out at the same time.

There was one man who had a thick neck, so instead I pushed my nails into his heart as they go through the vital organ.

I then push them slightly to the side and cut his lungs open, then licking the blood off my fingers.

"Mmm. Tasty. I wonder how sweet a rich man's blood will taste?" I said insanely, looking towards Gato.

I take out my katana, named Ken, and slice the man whore clean in half.

I look towards the group of Genin and old man, "I'm so sorry about Zabuza and Haku," I said, putting away my sword,"I'm prepared to take most to all responsibility to any injuries that they caused."

I bowed. Then rose,"Now, we will be right back."

I grabbed Zabuza and Haku's ears and move over to the side to yell at them.


"Mmm. Tasty. I wonder how sweet a rich man's blood will taste?" Naruko said insanely, looking towards Gato.

'What the heck?! Is my mate ok? Maybe she tends to get a little...erm...exited during a battle.'

I watched as Naruko sliced Gato clean in half using a Katana.

Naruko looks to the brats and Tazuna, "I'm so sorry about Zabuza and Haku," She said, putting away my sword,"I'm prepared to take most to all responsibility to any injuries that they caused."

She bowed. Then rose,"Now, we will be right back."

I could swear that I saw her grab their ears as she yelled at them, pointing her finger at them a lot.

'I wonder what's happening...'

Naruko then comes back. "Do-do you mind if I stay with you guys until you are completely healed? Besides, it would be a pain to travel with these two while they complain about their wounds," She said.

"B-but Naruko-Sama can't you-," Zabuza was asking but was shushed by Naruko as she whispered something to them.

"Uh, sure. Besides, we don't have a medical ninja and I'm not much of a healer. It would be nice to have you help us," I said, eye smiling.

She eye smiled back with a small blush.

"Alright guys, let's get going," I said, as everyone nodded and we left for Tazuna's house.


Naruko examined Sasuke while he was passed out.

She glares daggers at the guy named Haku. "Haku, you didn't happen to use that jutsu, did you," She growled out.

"Um well...I did...Tamashiikage-sama," Haku stuttered out.

"I don't mean to but in but (666 words at the second but), what is that jutsu," I asked.

"It's my kekei genkaii (Sp?), Sasuke here is the second one to ever survive it. The first was Vixen-sama." Haku answered

No way a kid can be so powerful!

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