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Song by Troye Sivan

Written by Louis Tomlinson

"All my time is wasted
Feeling like my heart's mistaken
So if I'm losing a piece of me
Maybe I don't want Heaven."


For a brand-new band trying to make it in the music industry, writing, recording, and releasing a studio album is a huge thing.

It's also quite difficult, as Kiara and Louis realize when they start their feeble attempt to write a song. Their "band" released a single written by some dude in a larger band earlier that day, so people know them, and thanks to said dude in a larger band, they've got a large fan following already, which is kind of terrifying for two out of four of them.

The four members of the band are Kiara and Louis, obviously, and there's a boy named Niall and one named Zayn. Both of the latter have released studio albums already, so of course they vote to leave the inexperienced fucks together while the two legit artists work on writing some shit by themselves.

"How the hell do they expect us to write songs when we're literally the most boring humans on this planet?" Kiara complains, pacing around the small studio they've been allotted.

Louis just shrugs, leaning over to check what she has written on her paper. There's nothing except a title (songz 4 album) and a few hundred exclamation points. "Let's listen to some inspiration, yeah? Maybe that'll work?"

Putting on Sour Diesel from Zayn's album, Louis sees Kiara grin from the corner of his eye. She's had a huge celebrity crush on Zayn ever since his first single came out two years ago, and now the two of them somehow amazingly land in a band with him? Life goals.

So, how exactly did Kiara Davis and Louis Tomlinson get lucky enough to be smushed into a band with two of the best names in music today. If he's being honest, Louis has no idea. Kiara and his sister are close friends, so they've known each other for a long time. They both sing, she plays guitar and he plays piano, so jamming together was a no brainer.

They posted a few covers of various songs on YouTube a few months ago, and apparently Redwood Management Company spends all their time searching on there for new talent, so the duo got 'discovered' and pulled out of their senior year in London to trek to New York and record a demo only a week ago.

Said demo apparently revealed that their voices would blend very well with Niall and Zayn's, who are both under Redwood as well, so it would be correct to say Kiara freaked out.

And now they're here.

Struggling to write songs for their first studio album with two amazing singers.

"Okay, so who are our biggest inspirations?" Louis asks, looking at the questions Lena had left us to consider. Kiara looks like she's about to say something, but he cuts her off and says "besides Zayn and Niall, Kiara. That's a given."

She sighs and sits back in her chair, scribbling something out on the paper. "Let's go for a Youngblood-era 5 Seconds of Summer mixed with a, uh..."

"Death of a Bachelor-era Panic! At the Disco?"

She snaps her fingers in Louis' direction and grins brightly. "That's it! Plus, maybe a little bit of Shawn Mendes-era Shawn Mendes."

Sometimes Kiara makes absolutely no sense, so Louis tells her, "I don't think the era thing works when you're talking about their self-titled album, Kee."

She just shrugs and continues scribbling on her paper. Louis glances at his and notes that there's only two words written on it: Harry Styles.

When Louis mention this out loud to Kiara, she gives him a look. "Weren't you just saying it doesn't work when they self title their album?"

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