Twist and Shout

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Song by The Beatles

Covered by Yet To Be Named

"Well shake it up baby now
Twist and shout
C'mon c'mon c'mon c'mon baby now
C'mon and work it all out."


"Whoever said writing songs was easy obviously was never on a deadline to have, like, fourteen songs finished by," Kiara begins her next morning by complaining. Louis rolls his eyes from his position in his twin bed.

For some reason, Redwood flew the two of them out to New York, but living arrangements weren't made for them, so now they're staying in a tiny motel room down the street from the studio. If their parents knew about this, they'd fly them back to London to finish school as soon as possible, which is why both their parents received photos retrieved from the internet of some fancy hotel room. Louis' pretty sure the hotel is in Italy, but Kiara insisted they wouldn't know any better.

It seemed to work, seeing as they're still in New York after two days of studio work with Zayn and Niall. They have a good amount of songs written or at least thought of, but they haven't found a song to cover or to do with another artist.

After their first single, they decided that they'd all do vocals, obviously, Kira and Zayn would be guitar, and Louis would do piano when necessary. And luckily Niall has a history playing drums because none of the other three can and it'd be a pretty shitty band without a drummer.

It's currently six fifteen in the morning but Kiara's already showered. Louis thinks she's still jet lagged, but Kiara is quick to tell him, "Zayn told me yesterday that we're having an outing today. Leaving at seven thirty. I want to look good, though. Maybe you should pretty yourself too!"

Louis groans and falls back onto his scratchy pillow. "And why would I do that?"

"I dunno..." she says slowly, opening her mouth to put on mascara. "You and Niall seemed to be getting pretty close at dinner last night... or maybe there'll be some hot American dudes wandering around NYC today! You never know, Louis, this is the city of love!"

"I'm pretty sure that's Paris, Kee. Besides, Niall and I were trying to bond last night since you were too busy flirting with Zayn. Bonding because, you know... we're in a band together now?" Louis says, rolling over in the small amount of space leftover on his bed. He groans when Kiara opens the blinds on the window and shoots her a middle finger from his new position under his pillow.

"Get your ass up, bitch. If you're gonna be rude about it then you're gonna hang with me until we have to go."

Louis groans again but follows her instructions, stumbling with his eyes closed to the bathroom. He takes a long shower, basically falling asleep against the tiles, before he gets out and dressed. Kiara and Louis, since they've been friends for a while, are comfortable enough with each other that Kiara's wearing just a bralette and a thong when he comes out.

"What outfit should I wear to make Zayn realize he's in love with me?" She immediately asks Louis, who's standing shirtless with only his towel wrapped around his waist.

"Could you give me, like, ten seconds so I can not be butt naked? Thanks," he says sarcastically and throws on a pair of black jeans and a white hoodie with the signature black Adidas stripes on the arms.

"Okay, so there's two options and I need you to be really honest with me," Kiara begins, motioning for Louis to sit against the headboard on her bed which he does gladly.

She puts on a simple bright red dress that Louis observes to be quite tight and short. She does a twirl in it before posing and letting Louis give his input.

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