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When Stephen answered the door to his apartment Joel was standing there in Levi's, a red polo shirt and work boots. If he hadn't looked away he would have cum.

It had been three days since Stephen and Joel had been together and when Stephen opened the door to his apartment, naked with only a towel wrapped around his waist, something exploded in Joel's brain. He had done six interviews with CEO's in the last three days and three of them had to be trashed because he had been distracted and had done a crappy job of it. He couldn't get Stephen out of his mind, he couldn't sleep, he couldn't eat, he was consumed with need for him. By the time he got to Stephen's apartment he knew that this couldn't go on and seeing him standing there wrapped only in a towel, well it was the final straw. Joel was ready to do anything, promise anything, change anything but he simply couldn't live without him.

Stephen turned back to Joel and almost stopped breathing, then Joel walked into the apartment and pulled Stephen into a crushing embrace, slamming the apartment door with his foot. Then he was pushing Stephen back against the sofa and pulling away the towel. "Man I fucking need you!" Joel put both of his hands around Stephen's head and gently pushed him down on the sofa and laid on top of Stephen's naked body. Joel tilted his head and brought his lips down to meet Stephen's, slowly forcing his tongue into his mouth. Stephen was making a sound somewhere between a whimper and a moan as he spread his legs and wrapped them around Joel's waist.

Stephen's need for Joel was, if anything, even greater. While Joel was kissing him Stephen was unbuckling Joel's belt and pushing his Levi's and underwear down with his bare feet and then a minute later Joel's cock was moving into him, stretching him, making him want to claw and scream with the need he felt for him. He wanted Joel in every part of him, to own him totally, to make him totally his, to totally possess him. Stephen's heels were pulling Joel even deeper into him, nothing else mattered, not the pain, not anything only the need of him. He had his arms wrapped so tightly around Joel's neck it was amazing he didn't strangle him. Stephen's face was buried in Joel's neck and then Joel pulled Stephen's head back and shoved his tongue into his mouth and then suddenly they were both cumming. There was cum everywhere, they were both covered in it and it was all over the sofa and floor.

It was the craziest and most intense sex that either of them had ever had and when it was over they both just slumped to the floor in total exhaustion.

Joel rolled over on top of Stephen partially pinning him to the floor and held his head in his hands. "Look Stephen, I know that this is nuts and I never planned or thought that it would happen this quickly but man I gotta tell you that I can't live another day without you. I mean I want you to be like mine, permanently mine." Joel put my hand lightly over Stephen's mouth. "Let me fucking finish this before I talk myself out of saying it. I want you to move in with me when we get back from the country. I know you've got a lease and everything but I don't care. If you can't sublease it I'll pay for it. Stephen I need you with me every day, every moment. I need to know that you'll be there when I come home at night and when I wake up in the morning." The words had come out in a rush and now he took his hand off of Stephen's mouth and laid my forehead on his chest. He spoke softly. "Please fucking say yes........please.

Stephen looked up at Joel, at the sweat that was pouring off his face and at the intent way Joel was watching him. But he had to ask, he had to be sure. "Do you love me?"

"Love you? Fuck yes I love you! You're driving me out of my mind." He rolled off of Stephen and leaned against the sofa, his head tilted back resting on the seat cushion and his hands covering his eyes. "You're all that I think of, nothing else means shit to me. These last three days have been hell." Joel reached over and ran his fingers through Stephen's hair and spoke softly. "But now I have to ask you. Do you love me or am I just the worlds biggest asshole?"

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