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Thanks guys." Joel handed each of the movers a twenty dollar bill as they left the house.

Joel turned to me. "Well, the furniture is all in place." He was wearing a red plaid flannel shirt over his levi's and smiling a satisfied smile. The top four buttons were open and his black chest hair was showing, the sleeves were rolled up. All during the time we were moving into our new house I had been watching Joel, the way his muscles moved when he lifted boxes, the way his hair fell over his forehead, the way that he looked at me when he didn't think anyone was looking. He pried one shoe off with the toe of the other and then pushed off the first one. He leaned against a stack of boxes and looked at me.

"Comere Stephen." Joel smiled and held out his hand.

I walked into his arms. He turned my back to his chest and wrapped his arms around my chest. "You hangin in there babe? You're kinda quiet." We both had been up since four o'clock this morning making sure that everything got loaded onto the van properly and that nothing was forgotten. I leaned my head back against Joel's chest.

I leaned my full weight against him but it didn't budge him. "Are you ever afraid Joel?"

"Of what hun?"

"Well, like the new job. You've never taught before and now you're supposed to be a professor." I bent my head and kissed the top of his hand where it held my chest. I could feel the heat of his body through the shirt and smell the slightly sweaty smell of his body. God, that faint smell, a slightly electric smell, next to Joel kissing me, nothing goes right to my cock like that smell.

He buried his face in the crook of my neck and kissed me and then pressed his face to the side of my head. "Nope, at least I don't think so, well not in the sense that I'm really afraid, just anxious that every thing go well." He rocked me gently in his arms. "I'm concerned that I put things in the most understandable way, that it'll all make sense and anyway, it's not that different from standing in front of a television camera. God you feel so good!"

"I don't think that I could stand up in front of a class. It'd freak me out." I dropped my head as Joel began kissing the back of my neck. "Oh fuck! Babe if you keep that up we're never gonna get unpacked."

Joel laughed. "We've got three days to unpack." He was rubbing my butt with his right hand, his left arm was still around me.

I started walking into the living room pulling Joel behind me. I laid down on the sofa and Joel followed me, kneeling with his right knee on the sofa and then as he lower himself, putting his right arm under my neck and gently lowering his left leg over me. The feeling of his weight on me was comforting, like I was being held safe. He was looking into my eyes with a quizzical look on his face. He lightly ran his fingers over my face.

"The move hasn't weirded you out or anything, has it hun?" His black hair was slowly dropping down over his forehead. "Cause this mess will all get straightened out, we'll have some painting done, you'll see, we'll make the place ours." He moves his left leg a little higher until it's making gentle contact with my balls.

"No, the move is fine and now, thankfully, over." I reached up and gently pushed Joel's hair out of his eyes while I looked up into them. "You know that your voice thrills me. You've got the sexiest fucking voice!" I smiled up at him. "The sound of your voice goes right to the center of me, it's like someone plugged my spinal cord into an electrical outlet."

Joel smiled at me incredulously. "My voice? My voice does that?"

"Yep. You're going to have a bunch of horny students." I smiled at him and kissed his nose. "If I was in your class I wouldn't take my eyes off of your crotch.

    JOEL MY LOVERWhere stories live. Discover now