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Though Joel and I may move around the bed once we're asleep, when we wake up we always seem to be in the position that we originally fell asleep in, which is me lying on my left side and Joel spooning me. My head is on his left upper arm and his right arm is over my chest. His head always seems to be buried in the back of my head. I don't know how the hell he breathes.

About an hour before he wakes up, Joel begins to get a morning hardon and because of his height and the position that we've returned to, that cock is usually lying behind my upper thighs and pointed right at my butt hole. In that hour before he wakes up Joel will begin to slowly thrust his cock up against me. The thrusting isn't fast or hard, just a half an inch or so and maybe every thirty seconds but about once a month , when everything just happens to be right, that cock can end up being right on target.

Fortunately for me, when he gets hard, Joel produces an enormous amount of precum, because while he may be able to sleep through, at least the beginnings of a fuck, I being on the receiving end, can't. There's something about the notion of him fucking me while he's still asleep that totally turns me on. It really doesn't make a whole lot of sense since when he wakes up he'd be fucking me anyway. Well for one thing, there's the slowness of it. When that cock begins to slowly penetrate me just a fraction of an inch for every just drives me crazy. Just lying there with Joel's unbelievably thick cock working its way up into me, the feeling of fullness and possession are indescribable.

While I'm just waking up and come to the realization that this is gonna be one of those mornings, I just lie there, waiting for the next thrust. It usually takes sex or eight thrusts just to make it through and for some reason that doesn't wake Joel up but once he's actually penetrated me and the going gets easier he usually begins to wake up, maybe because the strokes get longer and there's more stimulation to the sides of his cock.

Joel arms begin to tighten around me and he'll start making little "ung" sounds as he thrusts. I can hear his breath come faster and the muscles in his stomach begin to come into play and then his legs begin seeking greater traction and when he finally realizes what he's doing he always seems a little shocked and a bit embarrassed.

"Oh! Oh fuck Babe! Again?" His right hand strokes the side of my face. "I didn't hurt ya did I Babe?"

"Oh fuck no, I'm good hun, just keep doin what you're doin." Joel was slowly pushing me over onto my stomach while his hands moved over my back, finally settling on my shoulders where they gripped me firmly. Now that he's really awake, and sure that I'm okay, Joel's thrusts become much stronger and his cock moves deeply into me. He's completely covering me with his body and I can feel those muscles working smoothly and strongly together.

I like it when Joel lies on my back with his head near mine. When he does that there's just so much stimulation hitting my brain; of course the incredible feeling of his cock moving rhythmically in and out of my ass, the sound and feel of his hot breath up near the top of my head and the feeling of his hairy chest against my back and the muscles in his stomach as they contract with each thrust.

Joel wraps his right arm under my stomach and his left arm under my chest and then in one movement he rolls us both over so that he's now on his back and I'm on my back while he fucks up into me. This is a wonderful position. I can feel his left hand rubbing my stomach and chest and then sometimes just holding and caressing my throat. His hot breath is in my ear and that cock has kept up it's steady thrusting. He reaches down with his other hand and plays with the area just below my balls, the perineum.

He whispers breathlessly in my ear. "I can feel my cock Babe. Can feel it moving in and out of you."

"Don't touch my cock Joel!" I'm like a loaded gun and......well......cocked too.

    JOEL MY LOVEROnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora