-=It Can't Be=-

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-=Alex's POV=-
I yawned, writing slowly as the professor rambled on. I looked at my phone. Class would be over in a few minutes. Sighing through my nose, I waited for him to dismiss us. He finally did, and I grabbed my belongings. "Hey, Alex, wanna go hang at Tyler's house today?" Someone asked. A boy named Colin stood, smiling. I shrugged. "Depends on the time. Text me about it. I've gotta get to work," I responded. He nodded, and watched me walk out of class.
I walked into the cafe, everyone greeting me. It was almost closing time, but my shift was always an hour before closing time. Sighing, I slid my apron on and walked behind the counter.
The party was pretty loud, and there was a lot of drinking. I didn't drink, knowing I had to drive myself home. Pretty responsible of me. I walked through the crowd, looking for the restroom. Everyone was loud, and the song "Don't Trust Me" was playing loudly. I avoided bumping into people. I did not want beer spilt all over me. I walked upstairs, and knocked on the door. Nobody said anything, so I walked in. As I shit the door I heard someone knocking on the door rapidly. I quickly finished my business and opened the door. "Sorry for the wait." I apologized. I looked down at the guy who'd knocked. My eyes widened.
He stared back, looking confused. I knew exactly who it was. My childhood best friend, Jackson. The one who'd moved away. I felt my heart racing, and he shoved past me, and into the bathroom. I could hear the sounds of vomiting, and I just stood there, confused as all hell. After a moment, he came back out, looking completely out of it. I didn't know what to say. He stared at me, eyes glazed and face red. I knew he was too young to be drinking. He was a year younger than me, after all.
"Jackson..." I murmured. He blinked, looking unamused. I guess he wouldn't recognize me, being drunk. But I thought I would never see him again. He seemed to realize something, and sighed. "If you're looking for a one-night stand, I think I'll puke all over you. Maybe another time." He turned away. Wait...what? One night stand? I shook my head. That wasn't important. I couldn't let him leave! I grabbed his wrist. "Wait!"
He whipped around to look at me. He gave me an icy stare. "I already said..." I cut him off, eyes wide. "I'm not looking for a one night stand! It's me! Alex!" I stared, looking for any sign of realization in his eyes. He tilted his head, examining me closely. "Alex...? But he...I haven't seen him since..." he looked down. "Since 8th grade! You moved away," I replied. His eyes widened. "You...It's really you..." he looked completely shocked, face pale. I smiled. It had been so long. He continued to stare, then pushed me away and raced into the bathroom again. I could hear him vomiting again. Panting, he slowly walked back out, wiping his mouth with his sleeve.
"You shouldn't be drinking," I murmured. He rolled his eyes. "Oh now you decide to protect me.." he mumbled. I stared, confused. "Whatever," he muttered. He looked slightly hurt, but it disappeared and he looked completely out of it again. "I'm taking you home," I stated, feeling protective of him. He shook his head. "I'll take myself." I was about to speak, but he grabbed my hand. Looking around, he picked up a pen off of a table nearby, and wrote on my hand gently. "Call me sometime," he hissed. I stared, about to speak, but he slipped away in the crowd. Confused, I looked down at my hand. It was his number.

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