-=You're Cold. So Cold=-

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-=Alex's POV=-
"Alex!" He kept yelling, looking fearful. We both were running, and I reached for his hand, tugging him along. "Keep running!" I yelled. I pulled him around a corner, and down on the ground, beside a couple of trash cans. We both were panting, eyes wide. The other kids ran around, unable to find us. With glares on their faces, they gave up and left. I glanced at Jackson, and he looked scared out of his wits. But suddenly, he smiled. "We're safe," he giggled. I nodded, smiling back.
He sighed, resting his head on my shoulder. "That was ridiculous," he muttered. I smiled, nodding. He looked up at me, and plopped his head in my lap. "Let's wait here," he murmured. "They could be waiting," he added. I nodded, still breathing heavily. He suddenly sat up, laughing. "They'll never catch me with Alex on my side," he remarked, seeming satisfied.
I nodded, eyes narrowed. Of course I would protect him. He slid his hand into mine, and intertwined our fingers. "You still promise to stay with me? Even if I'm a loser?" He whispered, sounding ashamed. I nodded furiously. "Of course!! I'll always protect you, Jackson. I promise. I will never leave your side." He smiled, pecking me on the cheek and blushing afterwards. I also blushed, and he smiled, resting his head on my shoulder again. "Always?" He murmured. "Of course!" I snapped. How could he even question it? He smiled, cheeks a slight pink. Of course I knew why. He loved hearing me say that I'd protect him.
He was warm as he pressed his side against mine. He was smaller than me, and kind of nerdy, but he was perfect in every way. I sighed contentedly.
My eyes flew open, and I realized it was a dream. Eve had jumped up, and I stared at her, eyes wide. I hadn't dreamt about that in a while. It was a memory, actually. Of Jackson and I in middle school. I slid out of bed, and thought about the memory. Maybe it was because he had been drunk, but he seemed different last night. He used to be ridiculously shy and nervous, but always smiled around me. Last night he seemed completely different. He wasn't nervous, he wasn't shy, and he wasn't smiling. Maybe it was just my imagination.
I had texted him, and explained it was me. There was no response so far. Sighing, I continued waiting. There were no customers. I glanced at the door as the bell jingled, and two guys walked in. They looked my age. As they neared, I realized who one of them was. "Jackson!" I exclaimed. He stared, looking confused. The guy next to him looked confused as well. Rolling his eyes, Jackson walked to the medicine aisle with the other guy and came back with...a box...of condoms...I blinked, and slowly took it, then scanned it it felt strange. Why would he be buying something like this? Was this his boyfriend? Why wasn't he acknowledging me?? I put it in a bag as the taller male paid for it. I examined him slowly, as he swiped his card. He was about my height, and had blonde hair styled like some model or something.
I handed him the bag, and watched as they both left, without a single glance toward me. It seemed extremely strange. Jackson used to be so fond of me, he'd literally jump on me as soon as he saw me. But now, it was like I was a stranger to him. He seemed...cold.

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