The End

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I've wanted to move out of my house ever since I was little. I have always said that six people in one house is to many. My wish was fulfilled one night, when my Mom and Dad went on a date for their anniversary. Tears streamed down my siblings cheeks.

 I didn't know what to do or feel so I just held them and whispered false words of hope. My brother stormed off into his room but not before yelling at me. What he said hit me and I can't bring myself to forget them. He spoke with such rage, such sadness, such... resentment.

 I fell to my knees as his sentences sunk into my heart and brain, "I hope you're satisfied. Four isn't as much as a crowd as six is, right?" As his door closed, so did the chapter of our lives. Everything would change. Everything did change. Everything is changing.

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