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When I was little, my Mom sat me on her lap and smiled down to me, "One day, you will feel a warmth in you chest, and when you look down at it, your heart will be glowing and so will your soulmates heart.

 You need to treasure him forever and he will do the same. He will love you with all his heart and take care of you for the rest of his days." I giggled and told her about cooties and how boys were gross, she smiled wider and laughed slightly. I am sixteen now and at a coffee shop with my friends.

 They are talking about how they have already found their soulmates. I, however, have failed to find mine. I laughed with them and talked about it with them but, my heart was never in it. I walked home that day alone. I was looking towards the concrete and heard a horn honk. I looked up and saw lights coming my way.

 I stopped, a deer caught in the headlights, feet glued to the floor. The car didnt stop but it tried, swirling left and right. All I could hear was a loud yell and I felt a warmth in my chest. I was knocked out of the way. Someone pushed me away. I looked up, a girl.

 Her long brown locks flowed down as she looked at me,  straddling me. She looked worried, "Are you okay?" The warmth in my chest was still evident. I looked down at my chest and saw my heart light up, I slowly looked at hers, glowing.

 I started to tear up, I slowing pointed at her chest. She looked confused but looked down. She shot up to her feet, "Y-youre... you're my... you're my soulmate...?" I slowly stood tears streaming down my face, "Y-yeah, I think I am." She started crying and ran to me, clasping her arms around me,

 "I-i thought I would never find you, I started to lose hope and think that I didn't even have one!" I laughed, "I'm Manon." She smiled widely, "I-I'm Menzel." I smiled widely,

"It's perfect,"

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