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A loud banging noise echoed through the house. I held my siblings closer in the corner, a double barrel shotgun at my side. They trembled with fear when I let the go and told them to call the police.

 I opened the window and rushed them out. I got my siblings out and was about to climb out myself when the door busted open. I closed the window and dashed under the bed, gun in my hands.

 I watched as the feet walked around the bed looking everywhere. My breathing hitched as he stopped in front of the bed, facing me. I saw him kneel down and start to bring his face under.

 When I saw him, he had a crazy look on his face. His eyes as wide as his crooked smile. I heard a boom.

 Blood spat across my face and I dropped the gun. My hands shaking. I let out an ear curdling scream. Everything went blurry.

 The sirens and screams sounded so far away. I got dragged out from under the bed and taken to the hospital. I couldn't hear or bring myself to care about what they were talking about.

 To me, I was still under that bed, the look of the mans face still staring back at me. The bullet wound in his chest soaking his white shirt now stained with his blood. My nightmares never stopped. I couldn't forget, but who could forget the time they killed their babysitter.

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