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Hey guys, ThatSassyGiratina here.

Unfortunately, I'm no longer going to update Forgotten from now on. I won't delete it, but I just won't update it again. If I feel the sudden bout of inspiration to update this, then I will, but I don't see that anytime in the near future.

The reason I am discontinuing Forgotten is because I no longer feel any inspiration for it, and that Forgotten feels very much like an unoriginal and cliché book with no actual plot. Bear in mind I also started this book around 3 years ago when I was around 11, so Forgotten also doesn't accurately represent my writing skills (or rather, lack thereof) as of right now.

I am, however, going to remain on Wattpad. In fact, I will very soon be uploading a new story called 'Minho's Concept'. It's an original, contemporary story which has an actual plot this time (Ik, insane). If you're into the supernatural, angels, demons, powers, Attack on Titan and League of Legends references, go give that a read please. (shAmelesS selF proMo oN mY 3 yEar olD disContinued HP fanFic yEaAA bOi ;D)

Anyways, thank you guys so much for your support for Forgotten, never in my dreams did 11 y/o me think we'd hit such crazy numbers, y'all are freaking amazing! It's been an awesome journey, between trying to cram in updates during Tutor time, Social Studies class and between Period 4 and lunchtime.

Thank you all so much again,

Forgotten (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now