Chapter 1:

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Seven years before...

Harry and Callistus were in the playroom when Albus Dumbledore flooed through.

"Ahh, Lily and James, dears, could we talk please?" He asked, his eyes twinkling. Lily looked up from where she was baking cookies and James from where he was trying to steal some of the dough.

"Of course, Albus, come in," Lily said as she wiped her hands on her apron. A few seconds later, Albus Dumbledore gracefully stepped into the kitchen.

"Lily, James, good to see you again. I trust you and the twins have all been well?" He asked with a smile. James grinned.

"Yep. We're doing well, Albus. The twins are very happy as well. Yesterday, I caught Callistus trying to get on a toy broom. The kids gonna be a natural at quidditch, I tell you," He chuckled. Albus just chuckled, while Lily frowned.

"James! You are not going to teach him to fly until he is at least six!" She scolded him. James looked sheepish.

"Sorry, Lily flower," He told his wife meekly. Lily really could be scary when she wanted to be. Albus smiled with a twinkle in his eye.

"And how is Harry doing?"

This time, it was Lily who answered.

"Oh, he's doing great! He absolutely loves it when I read to him!" She chipped in brightly. James grumbled under his breath about 'bookworms' and 'Lily'. Lily ignored this.

"So, Albus, what is the reason you're here for?" She asked Dumbledore curiously. Albus sighed and the twinkle vanished from his eye replaced by a serious look.

"Lily, James, I have bad news for you. Yesterday, I was interviewing Sybill Trelawney for the position as the Divination professor. During the interview, she made a prediction, which she remembers nothing about now," Albus then pulled out a piece of parchment and began reading of it.

The one with the power to vanquish the dark lord approaches

Born to those who have thrice defied him, born as the seventh month dies

And the dark lord will mark him as an equal, but he will have the power the dark lord knows not

And either must die at the hand of the other

for neither can live while the other survives

When Albus finished, both Lily and James resembled ghosts. When they finally got over their shock, it was Lily who spoke up.

"B-b-but, doesn't that mean either Alice Lomgbottom's son Neville, Callistus or Harry?" She stuttered. Dumbledore nodded gravely.

"I'm afraid so. Both you and the longbottoms have defied Lord Volemort thrice, and they were all born as the seventh month died. However, Neville Longbottom has shown to be a very quiet baby, and so has Harry, while Callistus has already started to try mount a broom. Therefore, I am pretty certain that Callistus is the chosen one," He told them sadly. The Potters gasped and Lily started to cry.

"Oh, my poor babies! They can't even have a proper life from the moment they're born!" She sobbed. James awkwardly patted her on the back while sending a pleading look at Dumbledore.

"Isn't there anything we can do?" He asked desperately. Dumbledore nodded.

"That is why I am here. You must go under the fidelius charm. I have already placed the Longbottoms underneath them," He told them. James nodded.

"When can we move?" He asked.

6 months later...

Peter Pettigrew bowed and kissed the hem of his masters robes.

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