Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

This story doesn't have a good plot...

Last night, Riddle Manor...

A loud crack could be heard as Severus Snape suddenly appeared outside of Riddle manor. He took a deep breath, re-enforced his Occlumency shields, clutching the small book he had found a few weeks ago at Lucius's manor which Lucius still had no idea was even missing, and stepped inside the wards. All he had to do was to survive the meeting and get back to Hogwarts with the book. Then, he could investigate the dark magic inside of it. He went inside the manor's large double-doors, and briskly walked to Voldemort's throne room. As he pushed open the doors, he saw that the majority of the inner-circle was already gathered there. Voldemort, in his 'dark lord' form, was sitting on the throne, Nagini next to him, a cold yet contemplative look on his face as he hissed inaudible things to her. This was not a normal meeting, this was a full war meeting. Snape's blood turned to ice. The last time one of these had taken place was during the war.

Once everybody had arrived, Voldemort got up from his throne and stood in front of them. Everybody knelt down.

"Rise," He said.

"You are all gathered here today to discuss a matter we have not addressed for many years. Nott, tell me, what was the purpose of the death eaters during the war?" He turned to Nott Sr, staring at him with blood-red eyes.

"To achieve blood-purity and rid the world of mud-bloods, half-bloods and blood-traitors, my lord," Nott answered.

"Yes, a decade ago, that was what we fought for. However, if we rid the world of mud-bloods and half-bloods, we would no longer have fresh blood-lines. Our power would decrease the more we bred with each other. Do we really emphasis blood-purity over our power?" Voldemort asked. He got a few, uncertainly murmured 'No, my lord's.

"Mud-bloods and half-bloods may be taking over wizarding Britain, but they are also useful to ensure that our blood-lines stay powerful, not weak and inbred. For this matter, we must tolerate them and their presence, do you not agree?" He looked over every single one of the death eaters, none of who seemed to object as they thought about this.

"My lord," Lucius spoke up smoothly. "Even if we accept mud-bloods and half-bloods, we still have the problem of Albus Dumbledore and his allies pushing for muggles to be allowed into the wizarding society,"

"Yes indeed, Lucius. Albus Dumbledore seems to think that the muggles will accept us. Those fools do not realize the true extent of the power of the muggles. Driven by fear, they could wreak havoc on the wizarding society," Voldemort sneered.

"The light works towards the so-called 'greater good', which, in their opinion is the best option. Sacrificing our privacy from muggles so we can all 'live and flourish together in harmony' is what they reckon is the best decision. Although a very small portion of muggles may accept us, the majority will not. They say that, for the 'greater good', dark magic must not be used to keep the peace and tranquillity. But we are not muggles, we are witches and wizards. We should not have to be restrained from using all of our abilities. Magic, regardless of how dark or light, is magic. And there should not be laws stopping us from using what every one of us were born with. There is no dark and light, when all magic is used to benefit somebody in this world," The death eaters all nodded enthusiastically.

Voldemort returned to his throne. "From this day on, the death eaters will no longer work for blood purity. We shall work towards keeping our secrecy from muggles and allowing magic, of all kinds, to be cast freely and at our will," He scanned the room of elite death eaters, all of who were nodding along with him. "Anybody who objects will be exiled from the death eaters," Some shivered very slightly at this thought. Getting exiled from the death eaters meant your death. And a very painful one, at that.

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