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Nobody POV:

At St Mungo's, a single scream pierced the air that could only mean one thing: A new being had arrived.

Lily Potter was currently lying on a hospital bed, her red hair frizzy and her face red. However, she had a tired smile on her face. In her arms nested a new born baby boy with a small Auburn curl.

James Potter was ecstatic and had a large grin on his face.

"Let's name him James junior," He joked. Lily hit him on the arm.

"I was thinking...hmm...How about Callistus Christopher Potter?" She asked. James smiled.

"Good idea, Lily flower,"

Suddenly, the clock struck midnight and Lily screamed again.

"Oh my gosh! I'm having twins!?" She yelled in surprise and happiness. A few moments later, another baby arrived.

He was slightly smaller than Callistus who was now in the arms of a nurse, bawling his eyes out from being separated from his parents. He also had a small mop of jet black hair. He didn't make any noise at all, (unlike Callistus) and just stared at his parents in an almost accusing way. Lily was a bit confused at this. James, however, didn't seem to notice.

"Let's call him Harry James Potter!" He told lily, who put a hand to her forehead. He just smiled mischievously at this.

"Merlin help us if you've corrupted the boy by naming him after you," She groaned. James had a look of mock hurt on his face.

"Are you suggesting that I'd corrupt out son?" He asked, clutching a hand to his heart. Lily whacked him again.

"Oww, shesh, Lily flower," He held up his hands.

"Pregnant women can be so violating," He muttered under his breath, which earned him another whack as the result.

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