Chapter 4:

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Chapter 4

One month later...

Harry sighed as he flopped down on his rickety bed. Honestly, that annoying muggle kid just hadto go and aggravate him, didn't he?

'Sonoro?' He hissed once he made sure nobody could see or hear him.

'Yes? What is it?' She hissed, peeking her head out of Harry's sleeve.

'Well, I was wondering how we can get out of here. I mean, we can't stay here for forever, or at least until my Hogwarts letter comes,' He hissed back.

'I don't have the faintest idea. However, you know in that book you were reading about rituals and whatnot about the wizarding world? Yeah. In one chapter, it said that magic calls out to magic. Perhaps you could use your wand to release magic and try see if anyone responds to come take a visit?' She asked.

'I'll try, but I think it's just a bunch of nonsense, since if that happened, whenever anyone did magic around me, I couldn't sense it,' Harry said, unsure.

'Maybe it's just underage wizards then,'

Harry sighed.

'Ok...' He hissed.

Harry peeked out the grimy window of his room that he had all to himself. The other kids claimed he was 'freaky'. They couldn't explain why, just that there was something weird about him. Like when it was raining, while all the other kids were shivering under heavy coats, Harry stood, unfazed and unaffected by the rain. And when they came back in, Harry was always dry.

There was only one kid who wasn't fearful of his magic. The one kid that would taunt him and bully him.

Arnold Bullchester.

Arnold was a bully who threw around his weight. Rather literally, at that. He would knock little kids off the swings, gang up on other older kids and when any person other than a teacher told him off or tried to placate him, Bullchester would beat them up with his gang.

Harry sighed. Honestly, Arnold was a real annoyance.

Harry knew that with one wave of his wand, he could ruin Arnold. With one little word, he could do things to Arnold beyond his wildest dreams. Heck, he could even kill him.

So why didn't he?

Maybe he was too weakhearted and kind. But that wouldn't do. To survive, Harry would have to become cold, indifferent, hidden behind a mask of mystery and danger.

'Sonoro? Do you want a snack?' He hissed at Sonoro. She bobbled her head and flicked her tongue out. Harry clambered off the rickety bed and the bed gave a loud squeak of protest. Glancing at it, Harry left the room and descended the old, narrow, worn wooden staircase down into the gardens.

Outside the big grey gloomy building, it was a bit better. The garden and yard was around the size of a football field with most of it as forest where kids played in. Dry grass covered the garden and a wall of trees ensured the kids couldn't get out of the orphanage. A small, old fashioned playground was tucked away in the corner. Everywhere else, trees were dotted around with the occasional flower and rock.

Glancing around, Harry wandered into the woods. Thick thongs of trees immediately blocked out the sunlight, making the forest seem more mysterious.

'I like it this way,' Harry thought as he weaved through trees until he came to a big rock the size of a Lynx. Sonoro hissed in delight and shot for the rock the moment Harry put her on the ground. She slithered up the rock and proceeded to sprawl across the top of the rock and sunbathe. Harry smiled and sat down on the hard dirt forest floor.

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