Chapter 8:

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Chapter 8

Hello everybody, I apologize in advance if this chapter seems extremely OOC. You have been warned. Enjoy!

Harry (I'm going to call him Harry unless he's being addressed) groaned as he woke up. There were aches and pains everywhere in body.

'Good morning,' Sonoro hissed from her rock. 'How do you feel?'

'Like I've been run over by a herd of Hippogriff who then threw me onto a road of razor blades where I got run over by a monster truck,' He grumbled. He got off his bed only to nearly face plant onto the cold hard wooden floor.

He managed to stumble into the bathroom, glanced into the mirror, and let out a yelp at the sight of the strange face that stared back at him.

His messy, unruly black rug had now turned into a more tameable, slick dark brown hair. His face was more defined, more aristocratical. However, his green eyes were still green. He was also several quite a few centimetres taller. He also realised with a start that he no longer needed his glasses.

After learning again how to walk sufficiently enough that he could make his way to the dining hall without his new nose having a very intimate experience with the cold marble floor, he picked up Sonoro and went into the dining hall, with Lord Voldemort sitting at the head of the table, reading the daily prophet again. It struck him how similar he looked to the dark lord now. They both shared the same hair and a similar face.

"Good morning, Hadrian. I trust you have gotten acquainted with you new self. Come, take a seat and eat," He frowned at the prophet.

Harry loaded his plate with delicious looking food and had started eating when the dining room door banged open and Barty appeared, out of breath.

"Good morning, my lord. Good morning...Hadrian?" He asked. Harry nodded.

"In the flesh,"

"Same to you, Barty. Come, sit, eat," Barty sat down and started eating.

"So, Hadrian, how does it feel to be blood adopted?" Barty inquired curiously. Harry groaned.

"It feels like you've been run over my numerous heavy objects repeatedly. Pro tip: Don't get blood adopted anytime soon again," Barty grimaced.

"Hadrian, Barty, you might want to see this," Voldemort finally spoke up and handed them the prophet.

The Potters speak out!

By Evelyn Addley

Callistus Potter, destined saviour of the wizarding world, has somehow managed to vanquish you-know-who for once and for all! Callistus, seven years old, can now enjoy the rest of his childhood and have a normal life, hopefully without any more dark lords in it! Yesterday, we interviewed the Potters on their feelings on this. They were ecstatic that the wizarding world is now safe and that Callistus can grow up without the burden of having to kill a dark lord. 'We want Callistus to have a good childhood and life, not one filled with pain and grief' The Potter's had said. 'That night when Callistus was almost murdered by him, his V scar was radiating dark magic. We are so grateful that it has faded now' The Potters have donated $10,000 to the Auror Department to ensure that we will never have anything else like this again, or if this does, we shall have the recourses and people to combat them.

For more information on the Potter's interview, go to page 17

For more information on the Auror Department, go to page 8

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