Chapter 1

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Woozi's POV

Right now it's 2 AM and I'm in my studio working on some tracks. Lately, I've been working late. I don't know why but I've just had a lot on my mind. I save my work and go out into the practice room. I see Hoshi passed out on the floor. I go and carefully put him on my back and shut everything off.

I walk home with Hoshi on my back. When I got to the dorm (the size of a house but they like to call it a dorm) I went to the performance unit's room and put Hoshi in his bed and put the covers over him. I then went to my room and went to bed.

Skip to morning

Hoshi's POV

When I wake up I see that I'm in my bed. 'I thought I fell asleep in the practice room waiting for Woozi' I thought. I shrug it off and go into the dining room to eat. Everyone was there besides Woozi.

"Where's Woozi?" I ask. Everyone shrugged besides Scoups. "He went to the studio early this morning. Something about not being able to sleep" Scoups said. "What time was that?" I ask. "Um 5 or 6 this morning," he says and I only respond with a nod. 'What's wrong with Woozi' I thought while eating my breakfast.

Woozi's POV

I slept for about 3 hours and then woke up. I couldn't go back to sleep so I went to the studio. In all honesty, I didn't go to the studio to work on work. I danced for an hour then took a break then sung some parts to our old songs.

After that, I did go into my studio to work on some of the music. I think it was around 9 or 10 when everyone else decided to make an appearance at the studio. All they did was hang out and work on some of the dances.

I think I'm going to talk to our manager and see if I can get permission to go see my family and Kara. Yes, Kara lives in Seoul but she is visiting her parents this week and I want to go visit mine. She leaves tomorrow so I'm gonna see if my manager will let me have the week then go meet with her when she gives me an answer.

I got up, saved my work, and shut everything in my personal studio down. I then went out to the practice room and saw everyone there even Kara's sister. I walked through the practice room and out the door. I had set up a meeting with our manager days ago so she was expecting me.

"Ah Woozi-shi sit down" Sarah, my manager, said. I sat down and waited for her to speak again. "What is it that you wanted to talk to me about?" she asked. "Um, I was wondering if I could get some time off?" I ask. "When and how long?" she asks. "Um, I would leave tomorrow and go for a week and then be ready to work by Monday of next week," I say.

"Well I don't see why not you have been working nonstop for the past month and the other boys need to catch up. All I ask of you is to practice choreography and to Skype the dance and vocal coach while you're gone. I also expect texts to make sure you get there safe and when you get back" she said. "Yes ma'am and thank you," I say and leave.

I get my laptop from my studio and go back to the dorm without the guys asking questions. As soon as I got home I started packing my clothes. At about 12 PM I was done. I set my thing to the side of the room and went to meet Kara.

We were meeting at this little café that she has a part-time job at that's near her house. Kara is one of the staff at Pledis but she doesn't like to be cooped up in a building where it is quiet and like no people so that's why she usually works her part-time job. The café has lots of staff so they said that she could work at what times that are convenient to her.

Anyways as I was walking I couldn't help the feeling of being watched. I looked around on got a glimpse of purple hair. I knew exactly who it was. It was Hoshi. I'm not sure why he is following me but I don't really care because I get to see my best friend.

I walked in and walked up to Kara. She got my drink and hers. "Woozi I missed you," she said as she got and hugged me with her arms around my neck. I wrapped my arms around her waist to hug her back and said "I missed you too boo".

2 hours later

It is three now and I told her what the manager had said to me and left after talking for a while. It takes an hour to get to the dorm. I know what you're thinking 'are you gonna tell the guys?'. Well, I'm actually not going to. I was afraid Hoshi would find out but I told Kara after he left.

Anyways I got home and it was dinner time so I went and helped serve the food and set the table. I liked helping Mingyu and Jeonghan because they along with Scoups do so much for us. We all ate and laughed besides Hoshi. He was very quiet and that's not normal. I would have to ask Dino, Jun, Wonwoo, or maybe DK.

After dinner, I went to write a letter for Jeongcheol. It read:

Dear Jeongcheol,
Don't worry when you wake up and I'm not there. I asked for the week off and it was granted. I'm sorry I have to leave you with the 10 other idiots but you know I love you all. Anyways I just wanted to make sure you guys were informed of my absence and to not panic if you didn't see me.

Don't be worry about me not being safe. I assure you I will be perfectly fine. The manager will tell you when I get there and when I'm coming home. I also want you to tell the rest of the members that I love them and that I will miss them. Also if they touch anything that is mine I will hit them with my guitar. Anyways I will be safe and I will be back before you know it.

With much love,

I put the letter in an envelope with the words 'Jeonghan and/or Scoups'. I put that on top of my stuff and went to bed early (10 pm).

5 AM

I got up, got dressed, and grabbed my stuff. I put the letter on the counter because I knew Scoups and Jeonghan would be the first to wake up. Anyways I grabbed my key and headed out the door locking it behind me. I met Kara at the train station. She had got both of us coffee and breakfast.

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