Chapter 17

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Narrator's POV

It has been a couple of hours since Woozi's procedure. Yoongi, Soonyoung, and everyone else were so worried about him. Soonyoung felt so bad because he said he would protect Jihoon and he failed.

On the inside of the ward, Jihoon started to wake up. He opened his eyes but quickly closed them because of the light. After a minute, his eyes adjusted to the lighting. A few nurses and a doctor came in.

"Hello Mr. Lee, how are you feeling?" The doctor asks. "Um in pain," Jihoon says as if it's the most obvious answer in the world. "Well yes, I assume so. Is there anything bothering you? Such as not being able to breathe, head hurting, nausea, pain in your neck, etc" the doctor asks and I shake my head.

"Well seems that everything is in order. We will now move you to one of the rooms upstairs to heal a bit more before you can go home. The nurses will come in every now and then to check your vitals and give you pain medication" the doctor says and Jihoon nods.

Jihoon's POV

A few minutes later, the nurses come to wheel me upstairs. The nurses didn't talk to me which was kind of unnerving but they had to get back to the ER as soon as possible. They got me situated and a new doctor came in. "Hello, Mr. Lee. I'll be your doctor while you stay here. You are allowed guests, however, is there someone you want to see or have to stay with you?" The doctor says and I nod.

"Who?" He asks. "His name is Soonyoung. I want him to stay with me" I say and the doctor nods. He leaves and a few nurses come in to hook me up to the new machines. After a while, Soonyoung comes in. I smile at him but he doesn't return it, instead, I'm met with a tear-stained face.

"Soon what's wrong?" I ask. "Nothing," he says. "Bullshit. Now tell me" I say. "I didn't protect you. I said I would protect you and I didn't" he says crying. I put my hands on his cheeks. "It is okay Soon," I say. "No, it's not. I promised you" he says. "Yes, but promises are meant to be broken at some point. Soon don't put so much blame on yourself. It was my fault for going off into another part of the house than everyone else" I say and he nods.

"You don't know how worried I was when I got home and you were not there. I was really scared that I had lost you Hoon" he says crying. "Oh Soon, you will never lose me. I love you too much to let you go" I say and he looks at me. "I love you so much Jihoon," He says. "And I love you just as much Soonyoung," I say.

He removes my hands and moves closer. He kept getting closer till I felt his lips gently touch mine. I deepen the kiss and wrap my arms around his neck. He pulls away and I pout. "That's enough Hoonie. You are hurt. You will get even more hurt if we continue" he says and I nod.

There was enough room in the bed for another person plus half of one because I'm so small. "Soonie can I cuddle with you please?" I ask. He looks hesitant but nods nonetheless. He climbs in beside me and lays flat with his arm across the pillows. I scoot over and lay in the crook of his arm.

He puts pillows behind my back to slightly prop me up on my side so that I can cuddle into him comfortably. I cuddle into him and he pulls the blanket up. He didn't pull me close because he didn't want to hold me tightly in case he accidentally hurt me. Anyways, He covers up and I start to get drowsy. "Sleep Hoonie. You deserve some sleep after what you went through" Soonyoung says and I nod. I cuddled into him more and let sleep consume me.

Narrator's POV

After Jihoon fell asleep, Soonyoung followed shortly after. The nurses came in to check Jihoon's vitals and found the sight very adorable. After a while, everyone else came in to see Jihoon. They also found the sight very adorable but slightly dangerous because Jihoon could get hurt.

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