Chapter 4

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'this chapter is dedicated to Marshmallow again, I had to 😊'


(?) P.O.V...

It's tiring Dad. This whole stuff is just tiring and useless. I don't know why did grandpa choose such a person to keep his will. He travels each now and then and when we reach that place he goes to another. All the travelling stole my energy. Shuffling on my bed I hear 3 knocks on my door.

I groan faking I'm asleep. The door opened and I heard Hayoon say, "oppa, it's breakfast hurry up, "

"Let me sleep, "

"Ok, the I'll let Daejung have your breakfast, "

"No wait! I'm coming fine! "

Hayoon smiles and closes the door after her. I sighed and ruffled my hair aggressively. I'm so done with this girl. Coming in contact with the frosty floor, I rushed back in my room to get my slippers and then sat on my chair.

"Good morning huyng, " I poured the milk and yawned. Daejung hyung nodded while looking at his phone. He took a mouthful of cereal and shoved it into his mouth still, looking at his phone. What the heck of a comic is he reading!?

I finished and hurried to go to my room when Hayoon caught my hoodie.

"What do you want? " I turned to her angrily.

"Well... Actually.. Mm, "

"! "

"There's this Kdrama-"

"Again? another Kdrama? " I asked her putting my hands on my hips. Hayoon played with her fingers before saying, "I want to watch it with you, "

"I don't watch for free, " I tended to walk away but she held me again.

"Wait! Pls oppa! It'll be the last one! I promise! " I looked carefully at her for a minute. This girl is untrustworthy and she's up to something. I can feel it.

"Fine! Last one! Cause you now I don't like them! "

"Oh please I know you love them, remember last drama? " I tried to remember what we were watching last time.


Person A: I love you! I wish I can tell you that!

Person B: I wonder if she'll hate me if I told her how much I love her,

"Just fucking say that you love each other and let me live! "

"It's like all the other dramas oppa, so boring! "


"Yeah what about it? " I asked raising an eyebrow.

"You loved it! Even though it was so common and cliche! " Hayoon smiled. I shook my head before saying, "nope! You loved it more, " Hayoon gave me the poker face before dragging me with her. It's the last drama so I didn't care.

No one's P.O.V...

'It's not fair you fucker! '

"Yes professor I'll order them to implement that, and I'll do my part too " Yoongi thought twice before saying the first sentence. He didn't want to mess up things with the professor.

After finishing his work with his classmates, he went home as fast as he can. He reached his house and entered quickly.

"What's all the rush? " His sister Youngmi questioned raising an eyebrow. Yoongi jogged through the house getting his things from here and there.

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