Chapter 11

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So heeey! Before I say anything,

I'm sorry to all the people who message me or start a conversation out of the stories comments, whenever I try to reply it says that I need to verify my email and when I do it doesn't work😩

Anyways, I reached 500 views! 🙂✌(that calls for a celebration 😂🙂) anyways thanks guys for reading such a crappy story 😩I love you all.


No one's P.O.V...

Taehyung and the others ran as they saw Jin collapsing down in front of them. Taehyung was the first to reach Jin. He scanned his face, it was paler than usual and out of life. Jin looked soulless. Taehyung lifted Jin bridal style and ran quickly to the clinic.

"Miyoon-ssi, Jin fainted! " Taehyung burst in like thunder. Miyoon turned around shocked;Jin was a healthy student and she didn't expect something like this to happen to him.

"Put him on the bed, I'll check him" Taehyung didn't leave and waited. He looked as Miyoon checked Jin's temperature and some other nursing shit. Miyoon frowned as she glanced at Jin then to Taehyung.

"I can't seem to find why did he faint, he's always healthy, and he's not sick right now" Taehyung felt more worried. Miyoon realized that and soon patted Taehyung's shoulder.

"He'll be fine, I think he just needs some rest and food. Food will be good for him, "Taehyung nodded and went out. The only thing in his mind was to get Jin a fresh new meal. As he dragged his feet to the cafeteria, it was empty and spotless.

" Can I have my original? "Taehyung asked the man in behind as he was his friend.

" Sure, Taehyung! "He went back to the kitchen inside. Taehyung brushed his hair bangs backwards. He heard laughing and giggling from the far side of the cafeteria. When he walked closer to the right corner, the laughs baceane louder. He peeked from beside the wall and took a careful look. It was Harry and some of his friends. Taehyung rolled his eyes and walked away.

"Here, " The man handed Taehyung the plate. Taehyung jogged away after thanking the man and bowing. He hurried to the clinic, hoping to see Jin awake.

"You're awake? " Taehyung was happy to see Jin back again. He rather looked ghostly and out of it. His stare was tired and his body seemed weak. Only his smile was the thing that showed that he's a living human being.

"Yeah, " Jin's voice seemed quieter than a whisper. Taehyung smiled painfully and sat on the chair facing Jin.

"I brought you lunch, I thought that it'll be better for you" He handed the box to Seokjin.

"Oh, " Jin muttered in disappointment. "Thanks, "

Taehyung was the thankful one, just knowing that Jin is okay made him happy. Jin ate up slowly and carefully. He didn't eat much.

"Thanks I'm full now, " Jin put the plate beside him and turned to Taehyung.

"I'm sorry for the trouble Tae, why don't you go play with the others? It's sports day in the end! " Taehyung shook his head and sent a smile.

"No thanks! I would rather sit with you Jinnie, " Jin smiled weakly and rested his head to the back. He was totally worn out.


Taehyung started realizing the slightest changes on Jin after that day. He got thinner and thinner, with his skin turning pale as the days pass. He would lose focus in class and seem out of it most of the time.

It started worrying Taehyung when Jin's face started turning slightly yellow.

'10:32a.m, January, 23'

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