Chapter 12

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No one's P.O.V...

"WHAT? " jinkook exclaimed.

"Yes why are you surprised? " Their mother chuckled as she stared at her two shocked children.

"It's a prank right? " Jungkook mocked.

"Yeah it's a prank right dad? " Jin looked at his dad who gave a serious expression.

"No, your mother is pregnant and that's it"after he said that, there was a minute of silence before the brothers screamed.



'10:06a.m, March, 3'

"Omg Jin congrats! " Ken was getting excited like a fangirl.

"Yeah thanks, " Jin smiled to his classmates who congratulated him.

"What gender do you wish it to be? " Taehyung rested his hand on his head as he smiled.

"A girl of course! " Jin jumped. He and Jungkook are wishing for the baby to be a girl. They both were shocked but they're delighted too.


Jin was walking home like usual, only a certain motorcycle captured his attention.


Yoongi turned his face and his eyes widened at the sight of his cousin. Jin reached him and gave him a hug. Yoongi was chuckling at the latter's reaction but was trying to get him off too.

"Where have you been? You didn't tell me what happened last time!  " Jin had hundreds of questions in his mind. Yoongi scratched the nape of his neck. He looked away before meeting Jin's stare.

"Well," Yoongi stayed quiet. He was going to tell Jin, but not everything.


Yoongi's P.O.V...

'2:19a.m, December,25'

I'm tired.

It's been a long time since I admitted that I'm tired. My phone buzzed from the other side of the room. I dragged my feet along the ceramic floor and read the notification.

Annoyingsonofabitch: BB your oppa needs you~ I missed you BB Come soon, I've a problem down there think you can help me;)?

I groaned and ruffled my hair;That's what I have been missing. I tucked the phone into my pocket before I walked outside of the room. I sneaked to the kitchen and got a sprite.

It's his favorite.

I shook the thought off my head and the urge to cry. Its the too early to make a sound. I went to the front door and didn't bother to wear a shoe. The cold concrete of our garden felt so good against my barefoot. I took a step forward.





I can hear a car driving into the street with full speed from the other side.

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