The request

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Sooyoung's POV


I was trying finding my mom or the queen for a little favor

So I am Choi Sooyoung and I am only 16 years old, and yes I am the princess of South Korea. We live in palace-mansion. I have a brother who is a few years older than me, his name is Choi Minho and he is currently dating my friend, Yuri. I am a part of a princess group and we call ourselves SNSD or Girls' Generation

I am a different kind of prrincess, not the spoiled brat kind. I am actually really playful and kind of boyish. Guns are my speciality since I've beent taught how to use one since I was 10

So back to my story

I approached one of the maids to ask where eomma is

"Oh your highness, she must be in a meeting with King" she said while bowing

"Kamsahamnida" I said with a bow while walking away

I entered the meeting room, it has a long table and there was The King and Queen or my parents sitting down talking

I approached them

"Hello there eomma, appa. You look nice today. Eomma is that a new dress it's ver-" "Sooyoung what do you want?"

I just blinked when I was suddenly cut off. "What do you mean, eomma? I'm just complimenting you" I smile

" cut the crap, Soo. What is it?" She laughed, it's not everyday you see a queen curse. "Well you see, I need a favor" I said with puppy eyes

"Don't look at me like that, Sooyoung you know we can't help it" my Dad said while laughing. "What do you mean 'we'?" Eomma took a glance at him

"Now's not the time to talk about your heart of stone for cuteness"

"what the-"

I laughed, they're not always like this, but its fun when they are

"Come on sit down and what is the favor?" Eomma said as she gestured me to a chair

"Ummm.." Here goes nothing "Can I go to a normal school please?" I asked. The wuestion caught them off gaurd


"It's so boring here, I am literally the smartest 18 year old there is. You guys made me learn calculus at the age of 12!"

"Where are you going with this exactly?"

"I mean I never get to interact with other people from the 'outside world'" I air quoted "just this once please? Put me in an advance class, or last years of college, or even highschool, I dont care. Just please let  me go"

My mom took a glance again at my Dad, and he just nodded

"Okay we will give you a chance, but we will be choosing your classes and we need to hide your identity" Dad finally said. Oh okay


"Choi Sooyoung! No cursing until you're 21" Eomma stood up "what the?" i looked at her in disbelief

"Fine curse all you want, my first curse word was when I was 13 anyways" she laughed. God my mom is awesome

I practically jumped for joy and hugged them both

"You will start tomorrow okay. it's a good thing that you told us this now, or it would be more trouble when you told is by the middle of the school year" Mom said

"Okay" I replied

Then they taking some calls. One of them, who I assume, is the administrator of the school that I guess I will be on. How do you ask?

Well I did heard Appa said something like 'enrollment'. Soon Appa ended the call and looked at me, "well your papers are settled, and you are officially enrolled"

I smiled, "Thank you Appa!" I shouted with glee. "Now go, me and you appa have some important things to talk about" Eomma ordered, I nodded

I exited the room to find Minho oppa walking down the hall and spotted me

"What are you all happy about?" He asked

"I will finally go to a normal school" I said while still jumping

"WHAT?! I want to go too" he whined and entered the room

'Why did I have to tell him' I thought while face palming myself

No matter, I'll still go to a normal school anyway

But what will I do there?


Minho's POV


I went inside and bowed there infront of them

"Hello eomma and app, I have a question" I asked. "Okay what is it" Dad said. "Well why did you allow Sooyoung to go to school and not me?" I pouted

"Well we are entering her in the school that we own" Mom answered, but not giving a glance at me. "And I was planning of entering you so you could watch over her, but lets just wait for her to be comfortable in a few days or weeks" Dad added

"Don't tell Sooyoung, but it's a test" Mom explained " to see if she can handle be young a queen and rule over teenagers"

"She's 18"

"Hey  the earlier the better. I mean we taught her how to use a gun when she was 10, now she's an expert"

"But what if someone bully her?" I asked

"Like your mom said, she will solve it on her own, we will just test her" Dad said

"Okay kamsahamnida appa" I said while hugging them and leave

Now this is going to be fun


So this chapter is finished leggo to the next :D


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