Stupid attacks 1

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hey gusy sorry for deleting this chapter, you see i got into some problems

so I delete this part, but i am going to publish it again

the problem is. when I looked into my loptop, the chapter is imcomplete

but when I look to my cell. it's complete, so I guess it is

maybe you guys should comment if it is complete or whateves, please tell me so i won't be too worried




it was the next day, and Yuri came early to make breakfast for them, all of them woken up to see Yuri in a bright yellow while apron flipping pancakes. "Yeobo! what are you doing here? Minho asked while back hugging her

"well as you can see, I'm being bothered while cooking" yuri teased. Minho pouted and went to sit with the others

"do I really need to see that couple mushy thing in the morning?" Chen asked, pointing to Jessica who has her head slumped on Kris' shoulder, while Kris has his arms around her. and yes, Kris slept over

"you guys know that there's a room called 'bedroom', it's place where you can actually sleep" Minho said sarcastically. Jessica woken up and stared at Minho, his hair started to have frozen tips and he started to panic

"Unnie, just look away" Yuri said, while manualy turning jessica's head. Yuri had served them their food and ate. after that, they all took a bath and is almost done and ready for school. well... almost

"what the hell? Kris! hurry the fuck up!" MInho shouted. "you can't rush perfection Minho!" Kris shouted back. to pass the time, tehy all waited in the living room

"hey Minho did you already told her about the guys?" Yuri asked

"oh shit" Mino widened his eyes. "what do you mean?" Sooyoung asked, raising an eyebrow

"I guess the guys are coming. I forgot to tell you" Minho saod

"oh oka- wait what the fuck?!" Sooyoung shouted


EXO was already there at the classroom, they were all playing around, but soon stopped when the door slammed

"why would you forget about something like that!" Sooyoung said, while stomping of to her seat without facing Minho. "Soo- I mean Summer. it slipped out of my mind, calm down" Minho said

"How could I calm down, when they are coming here. how am I supposed to prepare?!" Sooyoung exclaimed. "that doesn't even make any sense!" Minho fired back

"I need to go" Sooyoung shook her head. she ran out to the restrooms, because of that, her glasses fell. luckily, Chen picked it up

"hyung what's going on?" Sehun asked. "did she got her period?" Kai joked. "what? no! she's just mad because Minho didn't tell something important to her" Chen explained

"what the heck does she even mean by 'how am I supposed to prepare'?"

Chen just chuckled, all of them looked at him

"whats with you?" D.O asked

"don't you remember? Summer has a 'thing' with them" Chen said

at first Minho was confused, but slowly remembers. "oh yeah I forgot" Minho muttered. "who's them?" Xiumin asked

"you guys will see" Minho said

"how did you even remember that?" Minho said facing Chen. "maybe I'm just closer, and a better friends with her than you" Chen said with smirk. Minho might've got offended but rapidly thought of a comeback

EXO's Princess [DISCONTINUED]Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ