(Knb) The Seirin Cafe Pt.1

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(Third person P.O.V)

It was a normal day at the Seirin Cafe. The workers chatted with one another while taking orders and preparing the food. Luckily for them the cafe wasn't too busy today so they could take it easy. Saturday mornings were usually pretty chaotic but due to the heavy rainfall the customers were scarce. 

Not like the staff was complaining though.

The Seirin Cafe was well known for many things. Delicious food, friendly service, funny and weird actions, and handsome waiters. Very handsome waiters. But what they were most well known for was the shadow and light duo. They were the best waiters in the cafe and worked extremely well together. People from all over came to witness the team work of the incredible pair and no one left disappointed. 

The shadow and light duo stood at the bar counter relaxing and conversing with one another. The taller of the two sat one of  stools with his back leaning against the counter, while the other stood behind the bar cleaning glass cups.

"I'm so fucking tired" yawned the tall red head.

"Please refrain from using the vulgar words at work Kagami-kun" replied the shorter bluenette.

"uggh who cares nobody is here today Kuroko. No one will hear" complained Kagami.

"Well I can and it is very annoying" said Kuroko. 

The redhead clicked his tongue before moving to stand up. He went behind the counter next to Kuroko and grabbed a rag before wiping down the counter. "Wow Kagami-kun is actually doing work without someone asking him. How rare"

"Why you little!" Kagami went to go punch Kuroko but the bluenette simply dodged and left to go grab a broom. Kagami growled at his partner before going back to work. Just as Kuroko began sweeping the bell at the front door rang signaling a customer. A group with brightly colored hair entered. Kuroko payed them no attention and kept sweeping. It was Kagami's job to greet the customers and that is exactly what he did.

"Welcome Seirin Cafe. How may we serve you today" Kagami spoke in a calm and welcoming tone greeting the newcomers.

The redhead in the group spoke up, "A table for six please"

"Of course" replied Kagami, "Please follow me" he grabbed six menus from the counter and lead the group to a booth next to a window and not to far from the counter.

"I hope this table will suffice"

The redhead in the group simply nodded as he and the rest of the group were seated. 

"My name is Kagami Taiga and my partner and I shall be serving you today. Now may I start you off with something to drink"

"I'll have coffee" requested the redhead

"Oolong tea if you please" asked the greenette 

"Can I have a strawberry shake" said the purple haired giant

"A sprite please" said the overly excited blonde

"Just water" mumbled the tanned blue haired male

"May I have green tea please" politely asked the pink haired female.

"of course I will your drinks out soon" And with that Kagami left the group and went back to the counter. Unable to find his partner Kagami called out for him.

"Yo Kuroko where are you?" The colorful group turned to look at their waiter curiously. They watched as he stood their waiting for a response. 

"I am right here Kagami-kun" Kagami yelped then jumped back a few feet. He put his hands up protectively over his face and stared at his partner in complete shock.

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