Seirin Cafe Pt. 2

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  Soon enough the mysterious bluenette would be the only thing on their minds. It was only a matter of time.  

(Third Person P.O.V)

The Generation of Miracles had ordered there food and patiently waited for it to arrive. They chatted but very little. They wanted to be able to catch the bluenette when he delivered their food. 

Unfortunately, they were unable to stay quiet for long. 

Kise had gotten a text and groaned when he read it.

"What's wrong Kise-kun?" asked Momoi.

"The tournament we were participating in was canceled. I've been looking forward to it for weeks now" pouted Kise.

"I think it's a blessing. Now I won't have to deal with my coach nagging at me the whole time" stated Aomine.

"Oh come on Dai-chan! You love to play!" exclaimed Momoi.

"Not when the only person who can beat me is me"

Momoi sighed and quietly sipped her drink. It's been a long time since Aomine has enjoyed playing basketball and now he never goes to practice. He needs someone to show him that he can be beat.

"Pardon me" a voice came from the end of the table. The GOM turned to see the shadow waiter and his partner holding their food. The duo placed their food on the table before speaking.

"Is there anything else we can get you" questioned Kuroko. The GOM shook their heads and Kuroko nodded in acknowledgement. Before Kuroko could turn to leave Kagami spoke.

"I didn't mean to eavesdrop, but I heard you all talking about a basketball tournament. You guys play basketball?"

"Yes", replied Akashi, "why did you wanna know?"

"Oh well, I just really like basketball" stated Kagami. His foot tapped against the ground, excited to talk about basketball.

"Do you play?" asked Kise.

"Yeah Kuroko and I play for our college"

"Really that's so cool! Are you guys any good? What are your positions? Do you have any special skills?" Momoi looked up at the duo in excitement. She can be a bit of an information junky and can get a little obsessive.

"I think we're pretty damn awe... OW!"

Kuroko elbowed Kagami in the side, who crumbled to the floor clutching his stomach.

"Kagami-kun, how many times must I tell you to watch your language" Kuroko's voice was low and he sounded obviously irritated. He sighed, then looked at Momoi.

"To answer your questions Miss, Kagami is mainly a power forward and I am adaptable to most positions. Skill wise, Kagami-kun is fast, strong, and can jump very high. He also tends to easily slip into the zone a lot..."

Kuroko was cut off by an excited Aomine.

"Wait! He can easily slip into the zone! How?!" asked Aomine in disbelief.

"Yeah", groaned Kagami who was now standing up, "I tend to get a little too excited during games and kinda just get into the zone. Not sure how though"

"How is that possible! I've tried so hard, but I've never been able to reach the zone!"

"Well, you did say the only person who can beat you, is you, so maybe you need someone to present a challenge for you. And I think I know how Kagami-kun and myself might be able to help"

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