(Haikyuu) King No More

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(Kageyama's P.O.V)

I could feel the darkness entrap me into its world. My breathing quickened and my body felt heavy. Memories of what I used to be came flooding back. Whispers echoed throughout my skull. 

"Oh look it's the King of the Court" Please stop this.

"He apparently can't set to his teammates properly" No I can. I always set for them.

"He's really smart but he has a horrible personality" I've changed. I'm not the same.

The insulting words and statements swirled through my head, haunting me once again. My body began to tremble as I covered my ears with my hands trying to block out the voices. It didn't work. They seemed to get louder.

"You'll never be defeat me Tobio" But...

I couldn't take it. There voices pounded in my head and I felt the tears fall down my face. My body shook as sobs erupted pass my lips. I don't want to become the King of the Court ever again. I don't want to be hated and feared.

The darkness dragged me even further into it's hold and wrapped itself around me like a warm barrier.

It was almost comforting.....

My body seemed to relax as I let the darkness take me it. My sobs stopped and the voices quieted all except one.

"Your are the King of the Court"

It's voice was calm and soothing making my fears subside. I listened to the voice and let it drag me deeper. The ground beneath me began to shake and cracks started to appear.
The cracks formed a circle around me as though drawing a line between me and the world.
I wanted to be pulled further and further away from the world. I wanted to be completely separated from those who can hurt me.

I felt a long thick fabric being draped down my back. It was a long red cap that was lined with a white trim. Then a small crown was lowered onto my head. It was decorated with all manners of jewels and dark colors. 

The crown and cape felt heavy as though it was dragging me down, but I forced myself to stand. I wanted nothing more to become the best and the King of the Court is the best. A weird feeling of numbness spread throughout my body. My worries and fears seemed to slip away into nothingness as I was dragged deeper into the darkness. This feeling felt fine. It felt safe. It felt warm. It felt predictable. This is what I wan...


A voice broke my train of thought. I looked around but was unable to find the source of the voice. But before I my thoughts could return it rang out again.


The voice was bright and happy almost as though saying my name filled it with joy. The ground began to shake again and the cracks grew bigger, pushing me further away. As I was being pushed away from the world, in the distance, I noticed a small but bright orange light that gradually grew bigger. It seemed to be coming at me with incredible speed and looked as though it had no intentions of slowing down. The I heard the voice again.


I closed my eyes so I couldn't see who was calling me. I wanted to be alone in the darkness as the King of the Court. The world was quiet for a moment until I heard the sound of footsteps quickly approaching me. Out of curiosity I opened my eyes only to see a quick blur of orange jump over the cracks and tackle me into a hug. I fell onto my knees with this strange person wrapping his arms around my neck. He lifted his head up so I could see his face. Then I froze.

He was beautiful. He had hair the color of an orange sunset and his copper eyes glowed with excitement and love. His smile is what caught my attention the most. It was a full smile that sparkled brighter than the sun. It filled me with a tingling sensation in my chest and I didn't want it to go away.

"Kageyama. I found you!" 

His voice was melodious and it was filled with joy and relief. I was unsure what to say. Why was he looking for me? Why would he care? He moved his hands from my neck and grabbed my crown, slowly pulling it off. I looked into his eyes and a warm feeling spread throughout my body.

"Your not the King of the Court anymore. You're my partner"

His words echoed in my head and all I could do was stare at the short male. I felt the darkness fade away and the area around me began to light up. The orangenette pulled off my cape then wrapped his arms around my neck, hugging me once again. I could feel the tears in the corner of my eyes and I was at a loss for words. The area around lit up pushing away the darkness. A new sensation of warmth enveloped my body as the shorter male clung to me. 

At this moment I couldn't care about anything else other than this orange haired male. I felt my heart beat increase as he whispered into my ear.

"I missed you Kageyama"

I felt my face heat up at his words and I couldn't help the smile that spread across my face. It's been a long time since someone cared enough to be worried about me. My heart jumped at the thought. I wanted this feeling to stay. I wanted to keep this orangenette with me forever and never let him go. I wanted to love him.

I wrapped my arms around his waist and pulled him closer.

"I missed you too Hinata"

The End <3

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