Darkness and Lightness- Chapter 25- "Key to my Heart"

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Okay... I disappeared, I know. I'm soooooo sorry! I didn't mean to. XD I've been so busy... Ugh. Just... UGH. Like I'm so sorry. I don't even know what else to say. Just ugh.

Life sucks when you're an angsty teenage girl.


So I guess here I go...

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Delia's POV

I woke up cold and alone in bed, and a note sat on the nightstand next to me. 

I groggily grasped the air, searching for the note, and clutched it tightly in my balled up fist.

When I read it, I sighed deeply. 

Dear Delia- Running to the coffee shop. Getting you a cappucino. Or whatever they call those fucking things here in Italy. Yeah, and Hazel called. Said everything was okay. Love you. - Felix

I laughed lightly at his random use of fucking, then rolled out of bed and got into the shower to freshen up. I hadn't really gotten a chance to shower last night before Felix jumped my bones and practically forced me into the bed. He wasn't kidding when he said he was horny, because it was practically an all-nighter, too.

I soaped up my hair and rinsed it out, letting the scalding jets of water pound my tense muscles in my back. I ached all over, and when I glanced at my arms, I actually had some light brown bruises in the shape of hands on them. I chuckled at Felix's roughness and washed my body off, then stepped out of the shower, drying my hair and throwing it over my right shoulder, then wrapping a towel around my body.

I walked out of the bathroom, enjoying the cool air hitting my face.

Suddenly the door busted open and Felix stomped in, an angry look clouding his eyes. He was holding two coffees, one was huge, and another was a tad bit smaller.

"FUCKING COFFEE. Like eight bucks for two coffees! Who the hell do they think they are?! STARBUCKS?!?! It's like corner shop coffee!!!" He fumed angrily, his blue eyes clouded over with anger. When he turned to look at me though, his eyes darkened again.  But this time, it was with lust. I backed away from him, and when I hit the wall, Felix swooped in for the kill, pinning me to the wall.

I heard a slight jingle when his body pressed against mine.

"What's that noise?" I asked. Felix didn't carry change around ever, and he especially didn't wear any jewelry.

"Nothing," he mumbled quickly, pulling away and running into the bathroom.

I shrugged, leaving it at that. 

- - - - - - -

We sat at lunch in the cafe. Felix was twitching and fidgeting all over the place, glancing every direction and seeming nervous in general.

I rolled my eyes and looked at him, sighing. "Is something wrong, Felix?"

He glared at me, then grabbed my hand under the table. His fingers were clammy against mine, and he looked me straight in the eyes, then pressed a little velvet box into my hand. When I opened it up, I covered my mouth with my hand, gasping.

He turned deep pink, and started mumbling, "It's a key to my heart, see? It's 18 karat white gold and  has diamonds in it there and there." He pointed to the sparkly sections. "I... I didn't know what to get you... for like, our honeymoon. I mean, all I wanted was sex, but I figured you... you might want something more meaningful. And this was pretty..."

I hushed him, placing my fingers over his lips. "It's perfect."

Suddenly his face broke into a grin, and he pulled me into his arms, hugging me tightly.

As he pulled away, he took the necklace out of the box and put it on my neck. 

"My heart is yours forever and ever, Delia."

"I thought it always had been," I replied, smiling.

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Hey guys! I'm sorry I disappeared for a while! But on the bright side.... for all you Kristen Stewart as Delia haters... THERE SHALL BE A CAST CHANGE DUE TO THE RECENT SCANDAL! I HATE HER NOW. WHAT A WHOREBAG. Okay... but the new Delia is... drumroll please.... Jessica Stroup! She is over there, and is not a whorebag! --->

I don't promo often, but first off, addictedtomusic234 and I are going to be doing a collaboration story called Hanging by a Letter. It should be started soon, and will be on my profile AND hers, so you should really check it out! She's super sweet and is an all-around great person, so you should really just check her out. 

So only 5 more chappies!! I'm kinda stuck, so if you guys have any last requests or anything before the story ends, comment and I'll be sure to see what I can do! Thanks for all the love, and be sure to check out my other stories as they post! :D

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