chapter 24: Stay with Me

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Chapter 24: Stay with Me

"What did the doctor said?" I asked as soon as Seungcheol Oppa came back

His face looks so down. This screams bad news

"He said that it might take Woozi a week to wake up since he drank a lot. But you can visit him now. I know you're dying to see him" he said and gusture me to go

I nodded and went inside Woozi's ward

I can't coun anymorehow manytimes Woozi got into danger because of me

"Woozi-ah, the doctor said you'll be fine. I hope so too. I'm sorry you have to suffer again because of me. Maybe what they say was right. Maybe I really am a bad luck. Have I ever told you that dad once called me the black sheep of our family? He told me that when I failed to be first during our elementary graduation. Even though I seem like a happy girl always, inside me I'm always crying. Wanna know why? Because I always cause others problems. It was always my fault. But because of you I learned to be happy. Before I thought killing myslef would be nice since I always disdown my parent. But now? I don't think so. You don't have your parents by your side. Only the Seventeen and I are your only family here. I realized that some people actually do appreciate my existance. And you're one of them. I realized that I also need someone by my side. Jungkook left me. Joshua's drifting away. Don't leave me too. Stay by my side. Jebal"


I put on combain pants and a white crop top since I need to go to practice.

The school dance group was nominated into the National Dance Competition. Being a part of the dance club, I need to go to practice even if Woozi still hasn't woke up from his deep slumber.

"Bae, I'll be back after practice" I said and swept his bangs to the side

"Jeonghan, please take good care of Woozi" I said and turn my head to his direction

"Don't worry to much, Seul. Just focus on your practice. Woozi is in good hands" he said tapping my shoulder

"Lets go?" Hoshi saud

I'll be riding with Hoshi since he is the choreographer os the dance club while I'm the president

"I'll be back"


"And a 1, 2 and a 3. Tah-tah-tatata. 5, 6 and 7 and 8" Hoshi counted as we dance to the music

"Okay! You can take a break now then we'll start from the begining" I shouted and grab my water bottle

"You okay?" Hoshi asked and sat down beside me


"I know what you did earlier wasn't your best. Please try to focus" he said and tap my shoulder before walking to the center of the practice room


I woke up and I was already in my room. How long was I asleep?

I looked at my watch and its already 6:00 pm

I need to go to the hospital now.

Without changing my practice clothes I went down and grab the car keys before driving to the hospital.

Its been four days and Woozi hasn't woke up. The doctor it wpuld probabbly take a week and seriously I'm getting impatient.

"Mingyu, take a rest now. I'll be the one to look after him" I said and give Mingyu a smile

The boys and I are taking turns in looking after Woozi. Seungcheol Oppa and Jeonghan being able to look after him the most since they're already trainees for Business management. While Joshua to Mingyu-including me- are college and the rest are senior high school students.

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