chapter 28: Truth Untold

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Chapter 28: Truth Untold

"God damn it! What are you doing here?! Your filthy bitch pushed me and you're saying it's my fault? It your fault asshole. You're a cheater!" The hallway suddenly turned quiet after a smack.

The boys already left saying Jihoon and his dad needed privacy but I stayed outside the clinic. I already knew his dad's dirty doing anyways. I leaned on the wall as I waited for their shouting to stop. I spotted Yerim walking near me making my blood boil.

As she was about to walk past me, I harshly grabbed her wrist and gave her a deadly glare.

"Let go bitch!" her high-pitched voice just irritated me more.

"Better watch who you sleep with or you'll face you greatest downfall" I said and gave her a sarcastic smile. Her eyes widen and glared at me.

"I don't know what you're talking about" she denied looking away.

I harshly pulled her closer and can't help but dug my nails on the wrist.

"Listen here. We didn't do anything to you. I didn't care if you flirted with Gyu nor Jungkook but you fucking slept with Jihoon's dad? For what? For money? Then you fucking pushed him off the stair because he caught you making out with his dad. What if he hit his head huh?! I have all the evidence to make your life a living hell. Be thankful I'm still nice enough not to tell the dean your dirty little work. The poison that almost killed me and Jihoon. Your video making out with Woozi's dad. Do you know what will happen to you if I showed this to the dean? Your life's gonna be hell. So better watch out, Yerim" I said and harshly let go of her wrist. I knew I crossed the line but I can't tolerate her doings!

She was on the verge of tears when she ran away. I let out a sigh to calm myself. I'm not the type to voice out my anger but she hey, she crossed the line further than me. Mr. Lee stormed out of ths clinic without noticing me outside. I walked inside the clinic and saw Jihoon sitting on one of the beds with his right foot wrapped in a bandage.

"Hey" I said softly and sat beside him. He didn't say a word. I hugged him sideways and placed his head on my shoulder. "I'm sorry you have to experience this"

"Why..." he trailed off and closed his eyes to prevent tears from falling but failed to do so. I knew he wasn't crying for himself, he's crying for his mom.

"It's okay, I'm here" I said softly as I caress his hair.

It was a rare and painful sight to see. I'd rather not see this Jihoon but I'm happy he trusted me to see this side of him. Jihoon's tears are more expensive than diamonds so I wish he won't waste it to someone who's not worth it.

It's been a week since the incident happend. Jihoon decided to go to school everyday despite having his foot injured. Although he stayed at the clinic most of the time. He basically went to school since no one will take care of him. I often stop by the clinic during my free time to check up on him. The nurse allowed him to stay there since he knew Jihoon lives alone.

Hoshi keeps on leaving a small bouquet of flowers on my desk everyday with a small cheer-up note that comes along with it. It was enough to plaster a smile on my face everday. Although I wasn't able to hang put with him a lot lately since I have to take care of Jihoon. Jeonghan and I are taking turns sleeping on Jihoon's house so he have someone to assist him at night.

"Good morning" I greeted when I went inside the clinic. I saw Jihoon playing with his phone. "How are you?" I said and sat beside him

"My feet hurts like hell. I want to break that bitch's bone" he said and rolled his eyes.

"How about let's go to the ice cream parlor later? Will that make Woozi feel better?" I said and pinched his cheeks

"Don't talk to me like I'm some 5 years old brat" he said and stood up with his good leg.

"You're not 5 years old but you're a brat, Ji-hoo-nie~" I sing sang teasingly batting my eyelashes. I chuckled when he started walking by himself leaving me in the clinic. "We'll be back" I said to the nurse and bowed a little before running after Woozi.

The boys were already eating when we arrived. I sat in between Dino and Woozi since it was the only space available. Hoshi was having a study with Wonwoo so he didn't bother whining that I sat beside Dino instead of him. Well it's not like there's a seat beside him. Him and Wonwoo are on the end of the table. Woozi was still taking the exercises but in the clinic so he was able to keep up with his class.

"Noona, try this! I made this earlier with my mom" Dino said putting a spoonful of japchae(stir-fried noodles) on my lunch container.

"Thank you" I smiled and tasted it. "Hmmm it's delicious!" I said and gave him a thumbs up.

"Do you want some more, Noona?" he offer but I shook my head. It's just his own ways of not eating. I know Dino wants to lose weight but it's not healthy not eating.

"Aniyo. Do you want to taste mine?" I offer and before he could object I already put two pieces of pork tonkatsu on top of his japchae "You should eat a lot" I said and smiled at him

I turned to Woozi when I noticed him staring.

"Why? Do you want some too?" I asked and tilted my head to the side a little bit. He shook his head no and continued on eating his lunch.

His gaze immediately darken when he saw Yerim walking towards our table. My gaze darken too. The boys must have felt the dark aura surronding Woozi and I so they turned their attention to us.

"Woozi-ssi, is everything alright?" Jeonghan asked in a concerned tone and looked at Yerim before looking back at Woozi giving him a questioning look. Woozi didn't told anyone about his father's dirty doings. Well he didn't know that I know. He didn't know I was outside the clinic nor I saw with my own two eyes how Mr. Lee and Yerim had sex.

"Oh. Why are you staring at me, Woozi oppa" Yerim said while playing with the ends of her hair as she stopped infront of our table.

"I don't have time to talk with sluts" Woozi said in a firm voice

"Noona, who is she? Why is hyung glaring at her?" Dino asked curiously in a soft voice but loud enough for everyone in the table to hear since our table was unusually quiet. The dark aura Woozi had was enough to shut everyone's mouth.

Yerim turned her gave to Dino and shamelessly surveyed his body and bit her lower lip making me glare at her. I mean Dino got the body and looks but it's not okay for Yerim's case to drool over Dino. After Woozi's father she'll look at Dino with lust in her eyes?

"Why don't you ask your Noona our little secret so you'll understsnd Woozi's gaze on me" she said with a smirk on her face. She's even proud of what she did!

Woozi turned to me with question eyes, so as everyone in Seventeen. Now I'm in the hotseat. Woozi didn't tell anyone about his father and Yerim. He'll definitely question why I knew and didn't tell him.


"Scared arent you? Scared Woozi-ssi will get mad at you for not telling him?" she said smirking

"Suel, what is she talking about. Please tell me it's not what I think it is" Woozi said with pleading eyes

"She..." I looked into Woozi's eyes with my teary ones. He'll definitely get mad at me for not telling it sooner. "..She slept with Jihoon's father. She's the reason Woozi fell of the stairs." I said and looked down

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