Chapter 1: A Call Back Home

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Life with the missing Mikaelsons was never a walk in the park. It had always been chaos since they were babies. As their mothers were witches and as were their grandmother, the children had always held an enormous amount of power. While Nathaniel (Nate for short) and Nicolette's (Niki for short) father had passed down the werewolf gene to them, their magic had seemingly diffused it. Despite holding their power, the Mikaelsons had a pretty normal childhood. Well, as close to normal as you could get for super witches. As they had gotten older, their mothers grew worried as tales of a dark witch in search of powerful children emerged into their town. Scared, their mothers bounded the children together for eternity. For while they were together, they were at full strength. The further apart they were, the weaker their powers got. If you had ever been stuck with someone for 24 hours, you'd know that things don't always end well. A thousand years of betrayal, heartbreak, and secrets can get between people.

Nicolette Nightly's Point of View

You would think after nearly 90 years on my own I'd be used to the silence of the mansion, but here I️ was. Listening for the tell tale signs of the others: the soft strokes of a brush against a canvas, the turning of pages from the study, the faint chants from the attic, the charming sound of the piano from, or even a heated conversation in the dining room. Yet after the majority of our lives spent here, I'm the only one that's remained. Not even the ever so family oriented, Elliot, bothered to stay. My magic is barely there. It's like a whisper in the back of my head, begging for a chance to do something. Of course, I couldn't let that happen. That would mean seeing at least one of them again. The wounds were still so deep and fresh as if they were only made this morning. Perhaps we were always meant to be broken. After all that we've done to each other and ourselves, there was a thin chance of us ever being the same again. We may be bonded together by blood and magic, but our damage bonded us even deeper no matter how hard we try to ignore it. All the lies and the betrayals had finally caught up to us. It's time to stop thinking about this. The more I think about this, the more I want to chase after them which could only end in heart break.

New Orleans, Louisiana
3rd Person Point of View

Freya Mikaelson was on the verge of giving up. She'd scoured through every book and combed through grimores for thousands of hours. She had nothing until a few moments ago. Someone had sent her a letter and a book. The letter only held a few words, saying that this book had the answers she needed. The letter wasn't signed which made Freya nervous. Curse Objects sent to her weren't an uncommon occurrence as some witches of the Quarter weren't pleased with her friendship with Vincent. As far as she could tell there were no curses placed on the book, but still she studied the outside of the book. The book was bound in leather and had a clasp on the side which kept it shut. The pages looked worn as though it had endured years of travel. The book's cover bared a Celtic cross and had the initials of what appeared to be four different people: A.V. , C.A. , E.N. , and J.L..

Taking a deep breath in, She undid the clasp and opened to the first page. It told a story of five children missing from their family tree. It spoke of their childhood and their transcendence into an eternal bond. The story was a beautiful madness. Different feuds between each other, blood spilled in thousands of cities, heartbreak, and sorrow seemed to follow the children wherever they went. It made Freya smile a little bit as it reminded her of her own siblings. The story ended with an agreement between all of them to never see each other again, but the last sentence chilled Freya to her core.

Through their lies, betrayals, heartbreaks, and sorrows, the Lost Mikaelsons remain apart until their family calls them back to fight against a dark evil plaguing the Earth.

With shaking hands, Freya reached for her phone and waited for him to pick up.

"Freya, what is it? Is something wrong with Hope?"
"Freya, ANSWER ME!"
"I found a way."
Silence could be heard on the other end. Klaus Mikaelson couldn't find his voice.
"It's time to come home, Klaus."

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