Chapter 3: Blood Calls to Blood

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Mystic Falls, Virginia
3rd Person Point of View

It had been a while since Klaus Mikaelson was in Mystic Falls. As he walked through the small town, he faintly smiled remembering all the memories that surrounded this town. From first loves to one night stands. From tragedies to Always and Forever. This place held no shortage of memories.

"Well, if it isn't the big bad wolf. Here to blow some houses down?"

Klaus chuckled under his breath and turned towards Caroline Forbes. Caroline Forbes had always caught his eye. Maybe it was her need to have everything her way or her wit that caught his attention. At one point, he felt as though him and her would one day be together. Camille O'Connell was his distraction from the realization that maybe it wasn't to be. "Actually Caroline, I was looking for you."

Caroline was startled. She thought that he might've worked up the courage to see his daughter after years of radio silence. She quickly covered up her shock and said, "Well, here I am. Now what do you want?"

Klaus chuckled. "I need you to take Hope to the airport. Freya has discovered our solution and Hope is going to need to come with us."

"Wait, what do you—"

"There's a car waiting to take her there in front of the school. Simply, just tell her to pack up some clothes, because she's coming home and when she lands, Joshua will be waiting to take her to the Compound. Thank you, Love."

"Now wait just a minute," Caroline began, but Klaus Mikaelson was already gone. Exasperated, Caroline threw her hands up as she started to walk back to the school. "Damn Mikaelson."

In the distance, Klaus Mikaelson chuckled at the blonde vampire's reaction and sped back towards New Orleans.

New Orleans, Louisiana
3rd Person Point of View

"Wait. So you mean to tell me you, Elijah, Kol, and Finn all had children that you didn't know about for a thousand years?"

"Yes, Hayley. That's we've just said," said a clearly annoyed Klaus.

"Well, sorry if I'm having a little trouble comprehending this. I mean it's not like —"

"Oh, well you two shut it already?" interjected Rebekah.

"No, need to get snappy Rebekah, because you're little boy toy isn't here right now," said Kol with a sly smirk on his face.

"I'm about three seconds away from snapping your neck, Kol."

"Oh, please. The second you moved to try and snap my neck, my darling wife would give you an aneurism."

"Kol, I love you, but if you don't shut it I'll give you an aneurism and won't make any physical contact with you for a week," said Davina. Over the years, Davina had found her way into Klaus and Rebekah Mikaelson's hearts. When Klaus and Rebekah heard they were getting married, they were skeptical to say the least. Why on earth would a witch who hated them marry their brother if not for revenge? As time passed, she proved to be a true Mikaelson. A poised, charming package tied up with a perfect bow, but inside could be just as deceptive and cunning.

Kol immediately fearing the threat of not being able to touch his wife for a week quickly replied, "Yes, Darling."

"Ewww. Gross. I definitely didn't need to hear that Davina," said Hope with a disgusted look on her face. She had yet to talk directly to her father as he kept avoiding being alone with her. So, she did what any other Mikaelson would've done. She kept her true emotions hidden behind a door and plotted meticulously to strike her opponent down or in this case her father.

"Sorry, Hope."

"Anyways," said Freya, "We've already decided to find Kol's child first and blood calls to blood so."

Freya gestured to the map, she had set up prior to the brief meeting. She took the knife and gestured for Kol to give her his hand. She made a sharp, deliberate cut to the center of his palm and allowed some of his blood to spill onto the map. She began to chant, but as she did she felt a force pushing her back as if to keep her from finding her intended target.

"Kol, Hope hold my hands quickly. I need a little more power and a stronger blood connection. Someone placed a block on them."

Kol and Hope quickly rushed to Freya's side to join her. Slowly, the blood traveled across the map to Los Angeles, California. It was silent for a minute until Kol broke it. "Well, looks like we're off to the City of Angels."

Los Angeles, California
3rd Person Point of View

Christopher Lilith, or better known as Chris, had stayed in Los Angeles for the past 90 years. In the last decade, however, he had built his own nightclub. He had named it Lux as a homage to the first woman he had ever fallen in love with. As centuries went by, Chris had discovered while he enjoyed the company of women in his bed, he equally liked the company of men as well. He was what you would call bisexual. As he flirted with a man in his club, he felt a pinch in the back of his head. Someone was trying to find him. That shouldn't be possible. Only people with a strong enough bond could break through the spell he put on him. It couldn't be any of his cousins. All of their magic was weak from not being together. Who could it be?

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