Chapter 5: The First (Partial) Family Reunion

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The Apartment Above Lux
3rd Person Point of View

It didn't take Chris long to figure out who this rag tag team in front of him was. The dead giveaway was the man who had an uncanny resemblance to himself.

"Wait hold on, let me guess who you are," said Chris waving up a hand. "My first guess is that the little one, the quite obviously lesbian witch, and the older, less handsome version of myself were the ones tracking me down. I'm guessing from the power practically radiating off the little one that she must be the mythical tribrid. I got to hand it to you, kiddo, you could definitely give the Twins a run for their money."

Hope interrupts with a confused look, "Thank you. I think?"

Chris smiles at her

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Chris smiles at her. "Aww, you kind of remind me of a young Niki. Anyways, my second guess is where it gets a little more interesting. Obviously, the little hybrid whose hiding behind that little scowl is the little ones mother. The one whose probably got a serious Alpha complex is the dad. At least, I can see where Nate got his controlling tendencies."

"Next up, Blondie and Broody

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"Next up, Blondie and Broody. Well, you two are obviously married. The matching rings say it all, but they are quite gorgeous to be fair."

"Then, we have the loner witch

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"Then, we have the loner witch. No wedding ring and you're standing as if you aren't quite sure of yourself. Now that's interesting. See most witches with the amount of power you do tend to stand almost too sure of themselves. Well if you're looking for a lover, let me know if you need any help. I've got a bunch of girls who'd probably pounce one you."

"Now, over to sad look alike and the harvest witch

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"Now, over to sad look alike and the harvest witch."

Davina interjects before he can continues

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Davina interjects before he can continues. "Wait, how do you know I'm a harvest witch?"

Chris chuckles and pours himself a drink with a smirk. "Darling, you almost burned down New Orleans and you tried to defy a tradition. The minute that you did that, your reputation began to be spread about like wildfire among other covens. I have to hand it to you though, it's quite impressive. Now, judging by that wedding ring you have on your finger I'm assuming you're with my sad look alike. That's quite a shame. You could do so much better, but love is love. Who am I to judge that?"

Chris walks himself over to one of the chairs with his bourbon in hand. He gestures to the large L couch. "Where are my manners? Please, have a seat. After all, it's not everyday where I get a new cousin, a hybrid baby mama, two aunts, two uncles, a stepmother, and my father here for a visit."

The octet stand shocked for a moment before sitting onto the couch. It's silent for a moment. Only the soft chuckles of Chris are heard. As he goes to take a sip of his drink, Kol decides to be the first to break the ice. "So you know who I am? Who we are?"

Chris smirks. "Of course, I do. How can anybody not know of the legendary Mikaelsons and their recent trifles in New Orleans? Plus what kind of person am I if I don't know my family history?"

Klaus decides to pipe in this time. "If you've known about us, why haven't you or any of your cousins come to find us?"

Chris' smirk drops almost instantly. "Survival and our sanity. Your egos skyrocketed so hard that you made enemies practically everywhere you went. Putting the Mikaelson name on our backs is practically a death sentence. We already have enough problems with each other. We don't need any more."

Freya decides to interject at this point. "What do you mean problems with each other?"

Chris scoffs and sets down his bourbon harshly onto the coffee table. "I hardly see why you need to know that. Don't play overbearing family now. I already have Francis and Elliott and that's quite enough. Why are you here anyways? I don't have magic right now and quite frankly I see no reason for you to be here."

Hope quickly jumps into the discussion knowing that if Chris was anything like Kol that his temper would skyrocket soon. "When I was 7, a spirit called the Hollow possessed me. The only way that we could subdue it was to split it into my dad, Uncle Kol, Aunt Bekah, and Uncle Lijah. They haven't been able to be around each other for 9 years. The only way we've been able to communicate face to face is through FaceTime. The other day Aunt Freya received a book that told the story of you and yo- our cousins. At the end of the book, it said that you all would be the only way to stop it."

Chris stands up abruptly. "Inadu is not someone to be trifled with. Her magic is ancient and the girl knows how to hold a grudge. I'm not risking it."

Hope stands up too. "Listen, I'm not asking you to like our family. I know you've never considered us your family, but for the sake of yours and the rest of the world please help."

Chris looks at Hope and gives her a sad smile. "Satan, you sound like Niki. She's always been the hopeful one. Alright, I'll help you but this isn't going to be easy."

Rebekah stands up next. "Well, luckily nothing in this family ever is easy. Plus we've got two original vampires, an original hybrid, the mythical tribrid, a hybrid, and two super witches. What could possibly go wrong?"

Chris, who had somehow made his way back to the bar, downed a shot of straight vodka. With a skewed face, he says, "Everything and everything probably will knowing this family's luck."

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