Chapter 2: The Truth Revealed

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New Orleans, Louisiana
3rd Person Point of View

It had been 3 hours since Freya Mikaelson had called her brother and 2 hours since she told Rebekah and Kol. The three of them, though still dangerous when close together, were all coming home. Freya was a nervous wreck. How do you tell your family that there were more in your family tree? All of a sudden, she heard hisses. Turning towards the fountain that sat in the middle of the compound, snakes were appearing as if by magic. They were here.

Klaus, Rebekah, and Kol all stood on opposite of sides of the room. Each of them hearing the ever so familiar violent whispers of the Hollow. They stared at each other, unsure of what to say or do. You'd think after years apart and never seeing each other face to face, there may have been a hug or two. Instead, Klaus took the initiative and turned to his older sister. "What do you mean you found a way?"

Freya took a deep breath in and said, "You all might want to sit down for this."

She waited for her siblings to settle in before she continued. "A few hours ago, a book appeared to me. Attached to it was a letter, saying that this book had the answers we needed. The book told of five powerful children. It spoke of everything about them from their childhood to their eternal bond with each other. It—"

"Oh great," Kol interrupted, "you brought us here for a story. Shall I go get the popcorn then?"

"Oh, Shut up Kol. I'm sure Freya didn't just bring us here for a storytime," said Rebekah.

"Anyways, as I was saying," Freya continued," The last part of the book is our answer. It read, "Through their lies, betrayals, heartbreaks, and sorrows, the Lost Mikaelsons remain apart until their family calls them back to fight against a dark evil plaguing the Earth." That's why I called you all back home. This is our answer."

Freya looked at each or her siblings individually. Kol seemed a bit puzzled, no doubt thinking of how there were other living Mikaelsons besides his niece and his siblings. Rebekah was in a state of shock and seemed unable to form correct sentences. Klaus was passive as always. His face revealed nothing about how he felt, but his head was no doubt swirling with thousands of thoughts and emotions.

After moments of silence, Kol was the one who broke it. "What does this book look like?"

Without a word, Freya retrieved the book for her youngest brother. When she handed him the book, he stilled completely as though he recognized it. His fingers traced the Celtic cross and the initials J.L. He seemed at a loss of words until he spoke to his brother. "Brother, do you remember the four witches who entranced you, Elijah, Finn, and I a few weeks before Henrik's death?"

Confused, Klaus nodded. Kol continued while handing the book to his brother, "It's their book. The book they never let anyone else open and said that one day we would understand why."

Klaus appeared to be stunned. He didn't say anything for a minute. "Well, looks like we have no choice. Let's go find the rest of our missing family."

Rebekah, exasperated, exclaimed, "Now wait just a minute. What girls are you talking about? What in the bloody hell is going on?"

Klaus, obviously annoyed with his baby sister, answered her questions. "Well, dearest sister.  Four girls seduced myself, Kol, Finn, and Elijah one night. You were off with Mother gathering things that night that's why you don't know about them. I'm assuming these children happen to have resulted in that night as that's the only way we'd have other family members. So, we've got to find them so we can get rid of the Hollow. Now, anymore questions?"

Rebekah obviously miffed shook her head. Klaus continued,"Great. Now Freya, What's going to be the best way to find them?"

Freya, a little shocked at the revelation, answered her brother. "Well, blood calls to blood. So blood magic is probably our best bet. Whose children are we finding first?"

The two brothers regarded each other. Eventually, it was Kol who spoke up. "Mine. We're finding mine first, but perhaps we should gather Hayley, Marcel, Hope, and my darling wife Davina first to discuss what we've found. Obviously, I'll get my wife."

"I'll get Marcel," Rebekah said.

Freya quickly chiming in,"I'll get Hayley."

Klaus sighed as three of  his siblings looked at him. "I guess that means I'll get Hope."

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