🍺Drunk Nagisa🍺

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I wanted a chapter were I can make Nagi act ridiculous and adorable and whatever and see Karma deal with it so I made this.... Enjoy

Karma's POV

Me and Nagisa wanted to just Hang out and spend some quality time together since we usually don't have the time nowadays with our jobs, we were playing games on the new Nintendo Switch which was Splatoon and we made a rule

The rule was each time you loose you take cup of booze and drink one cup.... I regret my rule already since I lost 1 and he lost 5 times.... Oh the pain and suffering I'm going threw

"KARRRMMMAAA~KARMA~ KAR-hic-MA~" Drunk Nagisa said screaming my name like a 5 year old while holding on to me for dear life

"Yes Nagi? " I asked annoyed by his childlike behavior and screams

"Karma? Are you OK?  Why do you look upset!? *gay gasp* DID YOU SEE A GIRAFFE COSPLAYING AS A LAMA!? THATS WHY YOUR UPSET RIGHT?"

Nagi is completely WASTED and is stupid

"Nagi I can't take you seriously when your drunk, you ask so adorable and dimwitted that it's painful for my health" I say while holding him a little bit.

"I'm drunk? That Can't be true you must be drunk Strawberry!" Nagi said while stroking his invisible beard like he's King

This is freaking cute but highly annoying, I need to get him to bed before he hurts himself doing something

"Nagi dear you need to drink some water and go to bed, your gonna have a terrible hangover in the morning." I say trying to get up to get him some water but Nagisa        still holds on to me and not letting go to my arm as I try to walk to the Kitchen.

"STRAWBERRY WAAIITT!" The bluenette  whines trying to stop me from moving but fails since he doesn't weight much so his attempts are not very good

"Nagisa." I pick him up from under his arms and place him on the counter so it would be harder for him to get down as I walk over to the fridge to grab a bottle of water.

"Here Nagisa Drink up." I say basically shoving the bottled water in his face.

He takes the water but he doesn't drink it.. "HMMMMMMMMMMMM I don't want this!  I want more booze!" Nagi says setting the water to the side while crossing his arms and turning his head to the side.

I Can't take him seriously when he's acting like this!  He's being Sassy and Difficult....adorable? Idk I think it's just because it's him that he's adorable in general.

"haha Your Freaking adorable Nagi but you still need to drink the water so you will feel a little better tomorrow." I hand him the water again.

"Fine! Only because Your Drunk Karma!" Nagi says taking the bottle water and drinking it all... After 1 minute because he didn't want to drink it anyway.

"DONE!" The smol blueberry man said looking proud of himself for drinking the water, I swear I could see a small cat face on him.

"Ok ok, now time for you to sleep." I try to pick him up but he pushes me away l.

"No that's not fair!" He says "you've been telling me what to do this whole time so it's my turn to tell you to do something!"

I stare at him blankly because....he said something that made sense in his wasted state....i think the world might be ending again.

"*sigh* if I do what you want will you go to bed?" I ask still trying to pick him up but he just keeps MOVING!

"Yee!" He says while I see his face light up, I swear I can see stars in them

"OK fine what is it Nagi?" The smaller male began to cup the side of my face which caused me to blush a little bit.

"I want you to give me a kiss~" He says with a seductive little stare.

"U-um Nagisa I would but your still drunk." I say with a serious face.

"B-but Karma...You said you would.." Nagi says with a sad expression on his face.


"Fine, but all your getting is one kiss OK? "  Nagisa smiles and nods.

I kiss him on the cheek and he immediately gets upset.

"NO KARMA! Not there..." He says as he blushes even more than he already was since we has in a drunken state.

"What do you mean? I said one kiss, you didn't say were~" I say with a devilish grin on my face.  I wanted to kiss him on the lips but I don't want to end up taking advantage on him while he isn't all here.

"But Karma kiss me somewhere else... " he says with a pout face.

"Umm where is that exactly?" I look cautious at him because of his request. He better not want me to kiss him anywhere inappropriate...PLEASE DON'T!

Nagi motions his finger to his lips and gives Karma and lustful look in his eyes "Right here~ Kiss me here Karma~"

"Fine but.. Just one kiss and that's all." He nods again, I motion twords his lips and give him a quick kiss but Nagisa had other plans.

Nagisa pulled me by the collar to give me a longer kiss, He puts his free hand on the back of my hair to deepen the kiss more. I start to melt into the kiss and start to wrap my arms around his waist.

I soon stoped once I felt him lick my bottom lip asking for entrance. I denied him and pulled away and see his flushed face staring at me.

"Sorry Nagi but not until your sober THEN we can do that~" Nagisa's face turned from dazed to dissapointed in a matter of seconds.

"But Karma please~" Nagisa says while tugging at my shirt.

"Nope. Now off to bed!" I say while FINALLY picking him up bridal style and carried him up to our room.

I set him down gently on the bed, I didn't need to change him into pajamas because he was already in a loose T-shirt and some pajama shorts,(author: this is very comfortable I know because I've worn it)  I just took my shirt off and flopped on the bed.

Nagisa was already passed out asleep, I cuddled up next to him,  covered us up under the blanket and wrapped my arms around his waist.

"Goodnight my love.." I said before I drifted off to sleep.

Thx for reading! And sorry if it wasn't that good,.....idk what else to say so.... BYE 👋 

word count: 1120

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