💋Mine and only Mine💋

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Hi poor unfortunate soul that's reading this probably not good smut chapter, Ummm....i will be putting a warning when the smut begins for all of you GOOD homans ^ω^

And for all of you sins (like me) 🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿🍿 Have some popcorn and feel free to throw some at this chapter if it's not good, I don't mind TωT..

Karma's POV

Me and Nagisa were hanging out at the park just... Totally not acting like 5 year old children playing on the swings and slides.... *cough* T-totally!

We were just enjoying eachothers company on the bench when a certain green haired classmate walked up to us

"HAI NAGISA! " the greenette girl says completely ignoring me..

(I made that up = ̄ω ̄=)

"OH hey Kayano!"

Nagisa says kinda shocked but greets her anyway. He gets up to see her while I'm still sitting down looking at them boredly.

Kayano finally notices my existence and greets me.

"Oh hi Karma didn't see you there sorry.. " she says while awkwardly rubbing her cheek with one finger.

I didn't really care because I have more important things to worry about like Strawberries, fighting, being a smart-ass,....and Nagisa.

"What's up? " I say with a monotone voice.

"Nothing much I was just walking by and saw Nagisa so I thought I would say hi~"

Kayano says with a happy expression which was kinda endearing if I didn't care at all. Am I being a jerk? NAA!

"Well I'm glad you stopped by Kayano it was nice seeing you." Nagisa says with a  warm smile as always.

This boy's kindness can make anyone's heart melt I SWEAR! that's why I love him~♥

We hung out for a little while just talking like normal nothing special until..

"Hey Nagisa. Can I speak you you real quick?" Kayano asks MY blueberry!

"Umm Sure what's up? " Nagi say obviously oblivious to her wanting to talk  else where 😑

"No Nagisa...i mean can we talk in private.." She asks shyly.

I hate this and Imma mess with her for a second.

"Hmm? Why do you need to talk In private? I don't mind~" I say hiding my annoyance as best as I could from the two.

Kayano's cheeks start to get stained with light pink on the sides of them.

"I-I just need to OK! It's our business honestly.." She says kinda tugging at Nagisa's T-shirt sleeve signaling that she wants to talk.

"U-um ok?" The bluenette says awkwardly getting up to go wherever the girl wants to go.

I quietly follow them without them noticing because I don't trust this girl's behavior right now.

Nagisa's POV 

Kayano was dragging me behind the restrooms when she finally let go of my arm.

She looked nervous for some reason, she finally started to talk after a few seconds.

"U-um Nagisa I need to tell you something r-really important.."

she says while looking down a little bit while fiddling with her fingers.

"OK what is it Kayano?"

Karma x Nagisa one-shots Where stories live. Discover now