Chapter 47: The Queen Returns

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We were back in the same house Blade bought for Jay'lea. I was there when they planned to buy it. Her smile was radiating and filled with absolute bliss when she saw the house. She died a week before everything was finalised. Her funeral was heartbreaking to watch, but that was all in the past now.

We pulled up on the driveway of the large, marble stoned house and instead of Bhavani and Blade helping me into the house, I had Blade's left arm over my shoulder and Bhavani had the right arm.

Bhavani opened the door and we entered, welcomed by a group of people already getting ready to leave.

Once my mother and sisters saw me, they raced towards me and embraced me, and I did the same.

"Oh God is good! The Almighty answered my prayers, oh thank you so much, my Jesus Christ." My mother exclaimed.

Once they let me go, I opened up my arms to my niece and nephews, Noah, Mary and Daniel, and they didn't hesitate to accept my gesture. I held them close to me, giving each of them a peck on their foreheads. Mary's hug was tighter than the rest, but I knew that she must've missed me the most, I had a large impact in her life admittedly.

After them came Mona with Lizzy by her side. While walking towards Bullet and Charmoné, I spotted a nasty Estelle standing by the stairs, giving me a foul look.

I nodded my head to her, but she only scowled. I let that go because I knew Estelle for long enough to know that she was only a harmlessly spoilt last born. Her presence meant nothing much.

"Bullet." I said to him once I reached him. He looked at me with a lifeless look on his face, dried lips, tired red eyes and a sad wife by his side, "We need to talk." I told him. He didn't move an inch, but he got the message. He wasn't deaf, he was just unresponsive.

"Ma! Ma!" My daughter screamed out my name, and I didn't hesitate to accept her. Behind her was an even taller Poseidon, who didn't struggle to hug me while Athena was in my arms. He grew taller with each second, it was starting to scare me.

"Ma, we were so scared! You fainted and we didn't know what to do! Poseidon wouldn't shut up! Zeus kept disappearing and I couldn't stop crying Ma! Please don't do that again!" She cried in my arms, and all of the anger I felt towards her decimated.

"Dammnit Ma, that was the scariest thing I had ever seen. You fainting almost killed me!" Poseidon also said, with such a deep voice. I was unconscious for a few weeks, how did he grow so much?

"It's ok now..." I pulled them away and wiped their tears from their eyes. Poseidon held my hand against his chest and Athena rested her head on my left shoulder. I embraced them wholeheartedly. "... everything will be alright. I'll make sure of it."

I pulled away from them and stood in front of everyone. I wanted everyone's attention on me. It was time to reveal my plan.

"I'm back, and I feel stronger than ever. However, This war isn't over. And I'm going to be the one to finish it. I want all of you to stay here, except Bullet, Zeus, Mary and Cynthia. You guys are coming with me. Mom, meet me upstairs in the main bedroom. Blade, call Alfonsi. Where's Zeus?" I asked, and an awkward silence followed. This was not part of the plan.

"Claudia..." I looked at the direction of the voice and saw Jermaine with a playful TsiTsi in his bold arms, "... he left with Hilary. I saw them leave after Blade and Dr. Indur-something left."

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