Chapter 53: Avengeful King

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While eating dinner, I kept my eyes glued on Hera. She didn't touch the food, she didn't even bother joining the conversation. It was just me and her stuck in our own worlds, hers looking more confusing than mine. Could Charles have told her more? I didn't know much, but what I did know, was that Hera would never have shut me out like that intentionally. Charles did something to her.

Suddenly Blade's phone rang and since he couldn't excuse himself to answer it, he asked us all to just quiet down. I approved, I wanted to know what disrupted the dinner.

"What?!" He exclaimed out in shock, then dropped his phone. "Fuck... fuck... fuck... fuck... FUCK!" He screamed out loud, then hurt himself trying to bang his fists on the table. He hissed out in pain and then grunted angrily.

"What is it?" I asked in shock.

"Claudia..." He looked up with wide eyes and the whole room became scared, "... Charles escaped from prison."

I inhaled deeply, then exhaled sharply. Charles King, again. And again, and again, and again, and again, and again, and again. Charles King.

"When?" I mumbled out.

"Just now. I was on the phone with the police commissioner, he said he has his whole team on him. He has even set C.O.P. on his trail. Claudia, they'll find him."

"No... I'll find him."

I stood up from my seat and marched out of the room, not knowing that Hera had too moved from her seat. She wasn't following me though, and that was all that I needed.

Making my way up the stairs, I wore leather jeans with a matching leather jacket over my thin-strapped tank top and black boots, my phone buzzed. I picked it up from the bed and saw a text message from Charles.

King Mansion. Let's end this.

I snarled and threw my phone across the room, and it shattered against the hard wall. I wanted to scream from the top of my lungs, but I knew that that wouldn't hep with anything. I needed to get going.

I ran down the stairs and once down, I gave orders like crazy to everyone, Charles could be capable of anything in that moment.

"Lock the doors and windows! No-one comes in, no-one goes out! As far as the outside is concerned, no-one is in this house! Stay together in one room and make sure to tell each other of each others' movements." They all nodded in understanding and I took a moment to look at their faces. I stopped breathing in that moment, not again. "Where's Hera?"

The whole room stayed silent, but looked around in confusion and fear. I saw her disappear, but now Bullet was also missing. That only meant one thing.

"How did this whole family manage to lose a girl on a fucking wheelchair for the second time?!" I screamed out loud while pointing at Zeus. He pulled Hilary behind her to shield her from my fury and Charlene held Cynthia's hand even tighter than before.

"Claudia..." Blade spoke up, but now he was my target.

"... YOU! Where is your brother?! Where is Bullet?!" I barked at him, readying myself for the gun I got to replace my old one.

"I don't know man."

"Charmoné..." I stared at her fragile state. "... where's your husband?!" She shook.

"I-I d-don't..."

"Claudia, leave her alone!" Blade defended her.

"He's been working for Charles for way longer than you've been working with me!"

"That's doesn't mean anything." He said calmly, obviously too in pain to raise his voice.

"It means everything. If your loyalty to me is so strong, how strong do you think his loyalty to Charles is?! They're cousins by the way!"

"We're also cousins."

"Not by blood!" I barked out, making Blade hold back his tongue in shock. I walked straight towards him and placed my finger on his heaving chest. Everyone was anticipating what I would so next.

"Claudia." Blade said breathlessly in hopes of calming me down.

"If I find out that your brother had a hand in my daughter's kidnapping for the second time, the pain Zeus has caused you will feel like a painless pat on your spineless back compared to what I'll do to you."

All the colour on Blade's face faded away from fear and his lips parted in shock not only at my words, but the intentions behind them. I said it, and I meant every word.

I walked out of the house and into the black car parked on the driveway. Once I started the engine, I got another text message.

I don't want to wait forever Claudia. Now or never!

That was it, I stepped on the gas pedal so hard, I was sure that I was broken, and I sped my way to a place I once wished to run away from. Now or never, he said. Now or never, I agreed.

Each mile I passed, I felt my heart beating even faster. This wasn't usual for me, I was never scared of Charles, but I was scared of what he was capable of. I knew him inside out, he had just caught me off guard by disappearing, but I now knew that his sole purpose now was to turn everyone against me the same way I did.

He had already started with Hera, the way she spoke to me made me realise that Charles was really capable of anything. He took my little lamb and made her look at me in a different manner. I needed her by my side and I didn't know know how to get her back, but I would do anything. Charles would not win, he never did with me and I wasn't going to let him this time.

I arrived at the main gates of the large estate surrounding the mansion and used my finger print access to open the gate. Once in, I parked my car right in front of the large two door entryway. I looked at the house in front of me and now knew that I didn't what this house anymore. It had too many memories for me, none of which were good, so I would get rid of this house the same way I would get rid of Charles.

I walked into the mansion and looked around. The whole place was as I had left it, dysfunctional. Some walls still had bullets in them, while guns were lying on the floor from the men who kept shooting at me earlier. My vintage curtains were now ripped and all over the floor, the glass chandelier was shattered into pieces on the marble floor. The mirror on the wall on my right was cracked and had a smile of blood on it and the entire house was dimly lit.

"Charles." I called him out while walking towards the living room, empty. Kitchen, empty. Patio, empty. My office, empty. His office.

There he sat behind his desk with Bullet by his side on a laptop. He looked up to face me and I saw the results of my strangling. Since his skin was so light, I saw a strained purple neck and wanted to grin, but refrained myself.

"Charles King."


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