OOC Mavis

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I was reading a Fairy Tail x Reader, and at the end of each chapter, the author likes to showcase characters and ask them questions, or something similar. For this chapter, the author featured Mavis and asked her to say "float" if she likes the ship she says. If the author says a ship Mavis doesn't like, Mavis was supposed to say "sink".

 If the author says a ship Mavis doesn't like, Mavis was supposed to say "sink"

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Let's see what Mavis said, shall we?

Let's see what Mavis said, shall we?

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"Mavis": ...Burn it... Burn it to the ground...

I don't get why you need to be disrespectful like that. Let people ship what they ship, I don't see NaLi shippers hating on NaLu everywhere? They're so rare, you extreme NaLu shippers should learn some things from us.

And why would you make Mavis say that? C'mon, look at her. She's too sweet to say something that toxic. That's so out of character for her. You should have made Mavis ask the questions, and you answer. You'll never know how Mavis feel about that.

Perhaps she doesn't ship NaLu because she doesn't think groping is a very ship-able moment.

Honestly, if I wasn't in control of myself, I'd be bashing people about their manners nonstop. I just "bash" people politely. That may change in this book, if Lucy Stans come here.

Anyways, thank you for reading this chapter.

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