Lisanna Hate

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Literally, the majority of the Fairy Tail fandom hates in this little precious cinnamon roll! It's so bad, whenever I read fan fiction, if there is as much as a mention if Lisanna, the comments are loaded with hate.

And as I was scrolling through Instagram (on my weeb account so no one irl knows how messed up I am) I saw this post:

My takeaway from this is that the person who posted this was willing to take a gamble and bet that more people would like for Lucy

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My takeaway from this is that the person who posted this was willing to take a gamble and bet that more people would like for Lucy. I just don't understand how much people can hate Lisanna.

She literally stopped interacting with Natsu after she was revived, anyways.

The comments were full of hate, it was really irritating.

And the case is still here on Wattpad. It's really sad, when you try to defend Lisanna, you get tons of hate.

If you try to pick on Lucy, even more hate. There's just no way, everyone loves Lucy, except the few Lisanna fans.

It really makes me sad, especially how I know this book will change the way people think about me.

But still, there will never be justice in this fandom. It's too toxic, but you have to put up with it. I'll genuinely sad right now, aaaa....

And people think I hate Lucy. I like her strong side, the side that is strong and beautiful. Not the thotty side that somehow ends up naked every battle. Not the side that complains about everything. Not the fan service.

Sadly, we see more petty and whiny moments than her better ones, so that's made me dislike her... Not hate her. I'll always remember her best moments.

But back to the Lisanna hate.

When you read NaLu fan-fics, do you see NaLi shippers hating on it everywhere?

Let's observe the comment sections.

NaLu Fan Fiction Comment Section:

NaLu Fan Fiction Comment Section:

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