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The time will one day come where you just aren't into Fairy Tail as much as you used to be. You'll begin to see the flaws and maybe even grow distaste for what you are exposed to. Fairy Tail may still be in your top favorite anime list, but you can't deny that you won't be as pumped up. Or who knows. I've noticed that this is the case for most.

In my situation, I loved Fairy Tail. Seriously. I had all that merch bro. As time passed, I just...started to see flaws. Not just in characters but with the anime itself, and with the fandom. It's scary, in a way. It's like robots are designed to insult others and argue over which ship is the best. And over time, I just grew tired of arguing with seemingly mindless people who can't see the reasons in anything. I grew tired of dealing with people with no common sense, people who aren't affected by what they see or hear, as long as they see "cute" shipping moments that involve what could be genuinely be classified as harassment.

Here's the thing; I feel like this whole rotation of "friendship is magic!" and "whOah are those Lucy's big tiddies!" grew to be extremely repetitive to the point where I just didn't even like FT anymore. Fairy Tail is so easy to digest, it really has no meaning to me. I grew a specific taste where I don't like things with no meaning. I like more complicated anime, not just your regular mainstream anime that centers around friendship and fan service. I like seeing anime where the characters have goals; not just "oH mY gOd! we're under attack! show your tiddies and ass for extra power!"

but yeah. I don't like Fairy Tail that much anymore. It will stick with me because it was one of the first 10 anime I started watching, and I will look back fondly to the memories of me waking up early to watch it. But I've moved on, I've grown, and you each will. Fairy Tail will always hold a special place in my heart, but other than that small fraction of my heart, I won't give a crap anymore. (other than Cobra like oof daddy 😤👌🍆💦)

So yeah. For me, Fairy Tail is done. My long journey is over.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 19, 2019 ⏰

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